Causes Of Tybalt's Death In Romeo And Juliet

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Have you ever heard of a play called Romeo and Juliet? Well if you have you may have heard of the tragic ending. But, There are three people who are responsible for the deaths of the people in the play and in the movie. The three characters who are most responsible for their own death or the deaths of others are Tybalt, Paris, and the friar. One person who is responsible for their death is Tybalt. In case you didn’t know Tybalt is a Capulet and is the cousin of Juliet. One reason Tybalt is responsible for his death was because Tybalt killed Mercutio who is a Montague and is romeo’s best friend and when tybalt killed mercutio was when romeo was mad and upset about his friend’s death. Another reason was because Tybalt tried to kill Romeo and Romeo used self defense and killed him he didn’t mean to but he didn’t want to die either. One last reason was Tybalt didn’t want his cousin Juliet to marry a Montague because he found out that Romeo was a Montague and he was trying to protect his little cousin. It all started when Romeo took his mask off at the ball and seen he
He was the guy who was supposed to marry Juliet because he was rich and Juliet’s dad tried to force her to marry him and she didn’t want to but Paris and her dad did. One reason he died was because Juliet was forced to and again she didn’t want to so she went to the friar to get a potion and that was supposed to put her asleep for forty-eight hours so everyone would think she died but she will wake up in two days. The second reason was because Paris went to see Juliet dead to say goodbye and when he came out he seen Romeo and asked what he was doing and decided to fight Romeo using a sword, same with Romeo and of course Romeo won and Paris was found dead the next day. The last reason he was responsible for his own death was because he just should've realized Juliet didn’t want to marry him and it's her dad’s fault and

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