Case Analysis Of Apple

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As stated before, Apple is a multi-billion dollar technology industry. The major competitors that Apple and its products is Microsoft and its Windows platform, as well as Google, and Samsung smartphones. All of these companies are in the top 10 global brands, according to Interbrand (2015). Comparing strengths of all companies, Apple has a solid financial support system and it is highly innovative because of the success of the products and the leadership of Steve Jobs, however what weakens Apple is the premium pricing of their products. Microsoft also has the solid financial support due to its leader, Bill Gates. Microsoft also has the dominance over the operating systems. Windows based applications are on almost all computers in the market …show more content…

These customers are the ones that continue to buy Apple products and constantly purchase the newer models of the product as soon as they debut. Technology is an industry where the consumer needs to have the newest, innovative product to keep up with an ever-changing world. It seems that the marketing strategy that Apple uses, works and does not need any major adjustments. The only thing that Apple needs to work focus on is getting new customers and how to transform rival-loyal customers in loyal Apple customers. One option would be to lower prices or offer a trade-in program, very similar to cellular phone companies’ offer to their competitors’ customers.
The main problem that Apple has had so far with its failures was its lack of innovative leadership. Very little growth was made during Jobs’ absence from Apple. It wasn’t until Jobs’ came back with the technology that he created with NeXT and Pixar, that ultimately helped turn Apple around.
Another problem that has been evaluated is the overall price of each Apple product. While each product is built on quality and new technology, finding new and cheaper sources of manufacturing would be beneficial in obtaining new

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