Cardio Wellness

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Introduction For thousands of years’ humankind never had to think about doing cardio work outs, they got them every day while hunting, gathering, and fleeing for their lives. More recently, humans don’t have the need they used to exercise, we no longer need to need to run down our prey, or hike to get to our berry patches. Our bodies are supposed to be in movement. Can you remember the last time you sat still for a long time? Did your muscle feel tight? Did your back ache? Did you feel exhausted, even though you did barely lift a finger? The fact is our bodies are made to move, not sit still for hours on end. In this essay, I, will be correlating how regular cardio exercises are a good impact on all 7 of the dimensions of wellness. The 7 dimensions include, social, occupational, emotional, mental, environmental, spiritual, and physical.
Social Wellness “Social wellness is the ability to relate to and connect with other people in the world. The ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with family, friends and co-workers contributes to social wellness. (UWSP)” Cardio can do wonders for your Social wellness. …show more content…

Emotional wellness encompasses optimism, self-esteem, and self-acceptance. (UWSP)” Emotions are a big part of our everyday life, as well as our overall wellness. Cardio can, and will improve even our emotional wellness. Cardio is proven to give improved confidence, as previously stated. Along with that comes better acceptance of one’s emotions, allowing people to better process emotions and express them, instead of bottling their feelings up, and not expressing their feelings at all. Also, like I said before, the alleviation of depression is a great benefit for a person’s emotional wellness, allowing for someone to become more optimistic and overall

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