Personal Health Assessment: The Six Dimensions Of Health

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Personal Health Assessment Paper
The six dimensions of health are physical wellness, emotional wellness, intellectual wellness, spiritual wellness, interpersonal and social wellness, and environmental or planetary wellness. Out of these six dimensions my vigorous three would have to be emotional wellness, spiritual wellness, and interpersonal and social wellness. Not being in any particular order I am going to discuss why I feel these are my three strongest dimensions of health.

When I read that the characteristics of emotional wellness were one having the ability to share feelings, self-acceptance, trust, self-confidence, self-esteem, satisfying relationships, self-control, I knew immediately that this measurement was one of my strongest regions.
I am a kind, loving and trust worthy person. Therefore, I have the tendency to feel that all individuals are trust worthy as well. I love the relationship that I am currently in with my husband as well as with my family; it is a very satisfying one for all parties involved. I am able to share the feeling that I have about my husband to him as well as with others around us. We love and enjoy being with each other, and this is a very good feeling. Due to my current and passed relationships, I have good self-esteem and self-control. I have also accepted myself for who I am, and I love myself for being the woman and mother that I am becoming.

Personal Health Assessment 2
My second strongest dimension of health would be spiritual wellness.
I say this on the grounds because the text verbalized that in order for one to enjoy spiritual health, an individual possesses a set of guiding beliefs, principles, or values that give significance and reason to ones' life, particularly throughout challe...

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... are my harmful habits. I will attend all of my medical checkups however I can’t say the same for my dental checkups. Due to a bad experience with a dentist years ago I am terrified of them. It is important for me to address this dimension at this time because I am a mother of seven and I want to lead by example when it comes down to our health. I also want to be able to be physically interact with my children as well as be around to see them get old and have kids of their own.

In order for me to improve my health in this domain I will need to eat better, exercise more, drink less, quit smoking, and get over my fear of the dentist not only for me but for my kids. I would like to learn how to get motivated and to stay motivated about being healthy and living a healthy lifestyle in the years to come. Hopefully I will be able to master that by the end of this class.

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