Car Seat Persuasive Speech

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Every 33 seconds, a child is involved in a car accident (Herrick). Do you have any younger siblings, cousins, nieces or nephews? Are any of these kids small or young enough to need some type of car seat or booster seat? I did research on the topic of child car seats and I believe that it is a very important topic. Today, I am going to try and persuade you that children should always be put in the proper safety restraint in a car. First, by looking at the current situation of child safety restraints and why it may or may not be a problem. Second, by looking at ways to solve the problem. And finally, by showing you how everyone will benefit from the changes or what you specifically can do to help change the situation. I will start by telling …show more content…

Some parents do not consider the cost of a car seat in their baby’s budget (“Child Passenger Safety”). Car seats are misused frequently. There was a survey done in 2015 that showed about 61% of forward facing seats were not installed correctly. 20% of boosters were misused due to seat belt placement. It should be across the hips and thighs, not the stomach or ribs. For short trips, 21% of parents see no need to buckle their kids. 12% say if you’re in a rush, it’s acceptable. But what a lot of parents do not know is that most accidents happen at speeds less than 40 mph and within 25 miles of home (Herrick). There are some parents who drive convertible cars that do not have enough seats or room for a child seat. A woman from California was charged with murder after her baby died in an accident. She did not put her 5 month old daughter in a car seat, and instead the baby rode on the mothers lap in the passenger seat. The father was driving when the car went through a barrier and fell 200 feet. The baby was thrown from the vehicle. The mother was charged with murder and willful child endangerment because she made the decision to ride in a 2 seat porche without any safety precautions. If the family was in a car with more than 2 seats so that the baby was in a proper car seat, she would not have been thrown out of the car and could have survived (Kelman). Because of the fact that parents do not see the importance of child restraint, children are at a higher risk of dying or being fatally injured. Not using child seats can result in major or minor injuries, life-changing accidents, or even death if a car is involved in some type of collision. So many deaths could be avoided if people took action to protect their children. And less parents, children and families would be affected by death

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