Car Seat Mistakes

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Car seats - 10 common mistakes

More than 70 percent of car seats in The United States are used or installed incorrectly. Going from rear facing to forward sitting too early it is the American Academy of Pediatrics that recommends that kids remain rear-facing to a minimum of two years old, regardless of height or weight. The next mistake is moving on to the next level to soon. Using LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) incorrectly. Another mistake is using aftermarket accessories. Another common mistake is not reading the manual. Following the law can hurt your child, New Hampshire doesn’t require a seat belt. Using an expired or recalled seat. A mistake you would never think about is putting an infant carrier on top of a shopping cart. Not replacing seats after an accident or using them without knowing their history. The final mistake is failing to …show more content…

In New Hampshire you don’t have to wear your seat belt. That is dangerous so buckle your seat belt. The laws are more than a decade behind when it comes to child passenger safety. No state requires a baby under 20 lbs to be rear facing. The laws for adults are behind too. It wasn’t a law to wear your seat belt in the 90’s.
Yes car seats expire so don’t buy a used one. The expiration date is usually on the bottom of the seat, but if it’s not then look it up online. Seats can be recalled as well. To find out if your car seat was recalled look up the brand and model number. If it was recalled or expired you cannot sell it or give it to someone. You can throw it away, cut the straps, or destroy the car seat. Most car seats expire about six years after they are manufactured.
Don’t put your infant on the top of a shopping cart in a carrier. It can add too much weight and tip the car over. The infant might also roll out and get injured. This can lead serious injury like skull fractures. Even if it seems everyone is doing it don’t it’s not

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