Brutus Speech Rhetorical Analysis

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in his speech mark antony uses a rhetorical question to make the crowd question brutus’s motives. he says to the audience at caesar's funeral “did this in caesar seem ambitious?”. he uses this rhetorical question to make the audience question if brutus actually killed caesar for being “ambitious”. Antony includes another rhetorical question in his speech questioning brutus's motives for he asks the crowd “was this ambition?” Antony uses this rhetorical question to further shake their belief of what brutus earlier told them in his speech. Antony expertly uses these rhetorical question to make the audience at caesar's funeral question everything brutus had told them about caesar and why he had to kill him. he adds rhetorical questions to make the audience question themselves if caesar was ambitious and if that's the reason brutus was murdered.

Mark Antony also includes a hyperbole in his speech to show how saddened the death of caesar made him and to make the audience feel sad. At the end of the speech Antony says to the audience “My heart …show more content…

he uses pathos to make the audience feel bad about the death of caesar which makes them feel angry at brutus for killing caesar. he starts using pathos at the very beginning of his speech when he says “ i come to bury caesar” this quote just makes you feel sad mark antony just here to bury his friend. he also says towards the middle of the speech that he came to the speak about caesar “he was my friend faithful and just to me” this quote makes you feel bad for mark antony because he just lost a good friend which makes you more open to what he has to say. after reading the whole speech it's easy to see he uses pathos very effectively because at the very end you do feel bad for him. his pathos also makes him more relatable he doesn't seem like some politician trying to sway you he seems ordinary and

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