British Lifestyle Essay

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I have chosen this topic to be one of the subjects I will discuss because I have become very interested in the different lifestyles that the British citizens pursue and another reason that I have chosen to discuss this topic is because of how surprised when I encountered the large amount of diversity that the UK consists of. Since I have started living in the UK, I have learnt many things concerning this topic such as the daily routine of most citizens and since I am a student I have also learnt about the student life and how to maintain a good and balanced lifestyle which has been a very exciting experience for me. The first matter I would like to discuss in depth is the different types of lifestyles that are led by the British citizens, …show more content…

One of the main differences that I have noticed is the cold store timings and how difficult it is to find a store open after 10pm whereas in my country there’s always a 24 hour store nearby which is very convenient. During my stay in Leeds I have also noticed that the majority of houses are detached or semi-detached homes however in my country most people live in villas. I would also like to mention what is perhaps the most unfortunate factor of the British lifestyle for those who work, most working British citizens do lead a very hectic life which has a strict routine especially those who work in London, In my opinion it is unfortunate that a developed and wealthy country has a large amount of citizens who face stress and lack time to spend with family, this would be something I hope would change not only in Britain but many other countries too, I was shocked after doing some research when I found out that employees in the UK have the longest hours and the least holidays within Europe, this is a very big issue because it not only affects the quality of work these employees provide but also their mental state. I would also like to add a very interesting study that was carried out by the HSBC bank back in 2008 concerning the standard of living in Britain and the costs of the

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