Brainology In Brainology, By Carol Dweck

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As far as I could remember I was never really any good at school. I couldn’t concentrate on things for no more than 5 minutes at a time I would either get discouraged or find it too easy and just give up. An author by the name of Carol Dweck wrote an article called “Brainology” in it Dweck describes that there are two types of mindsets fixed and growth. Those who are afraid to fail so they never try anything new are ones with a fixed mindset and the growth mindset are those who are not afraid to fail and find a new challenge an opportunity to learn something new. I guess you can say that I had a bit of a fixed mindset growing up I was always too scared to look stupid that I didn’t want to fail because I didn’t want to disappoint my siblings When I was a kid I didn’t have my parents they got pregnant at a young age and couldn’t keep me and my older brother so we were split up. My parents ended up giving my brother to my grandmother when he was just a baby, and then I came along and my parents ended up getting a divorce so I went to live with first my father but he was too into the woman he was dating at the time so I was shuffled around from family member to family member till I ended up living with my aunt. My brother was raised with all the confidence he could get he was praised by my grandmother. Everything he did she would give him the love that he needed because he didn’t have our parents and me on the other hand I didn’t get that type of love I was told that I wouldn’t amount to anything and the only thing I would be great at is being a garbage man. I was a very active child I couldn’t really sit still so I would get in trouble a lot because of it and I would get told a lot that that was the reason why my parents didn’t want me because I didn’t know how to act, I guess that is what Dweck meant when she was explaining how when you falsely praise someone or praise someone too much they can get a big head and get dependent on it and those who were not praised enough got the motivation to prove everyone wrong. I never really felt like I was truly loved by my family I We lived way out in the sticks in a trailer park community it was a nice community my uncle had lived there for many years. Its 2007 and I already took and passed my GED with flying colors I needed to find a job and I really didn’t know much so I asked a friend of mine who worked for this guy named frank. Frank had a business where he would install granite counter tops and tile floors he was looking for someone to help remove and install the counter tops and tile. I was nervous I had never done anything like this before I was only use to either cutting grass or construction jobs with my dad that only pertained to nailing wood and sheets of plywood up. I had worked for frank for about a year and a half before I had to quit I missed California too much I wanted to move back I missed the warm air and the smell of the dairies and that breeze from the ocean air when it hits you I missed all of that so I moved back and I moved in with my dad. I have had a few jobs in my life that didn’t last very long either the time wasn’t right or whatever but I ended up getting hired at the Walmart distribution center and it was a blessing in disguise because now we can get by. Even though we still have to live paycheck to paycheck we can now not stress as much as how we were going to make it work, how we were

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