Growth Mindset

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Angela Lee Duckworth once said ,“Grit is not just having resilience in the face of failure, but also having deep commitments that you remain loyal to over many years.” Grit is a quality individuals have that keeps them determined and allows them to follow through with long-term goals. Eduardo Briceno, at a TED show talk, explains how mindset also plays an important role on how successful someone may become. In this case, having a growth mindset & grit can be very beneficial to someone in their academics, life, and career. A study done on students explained how growth mindset people like to try harder obstacles and challenge themselves. After receiving their scores on how they performed on a test, the growth mindset student’s brain became most active, and was found to take failure as an opportunity to learn. Fixed mindset people tended to avoid challenges. Once test results were revealed to the fixed mindset students, it was found that they were more likely to to lie about their score …show more content…

During Eduardo Briceno’s studies, he found that managers with fixed mindsets were not appreciative of feedback from customers. This could be detrimental to the company because it would not show any improvement on the worker’s behalf and poor attitude as a whole. In general, a company looks for someone who has a positive attitude, stand out from the crowd, and is able to handle situations before they get too out of hand. For this reason, it is important to be able to have a growth mindset and maintain grit, even throughout the toughest of times. For instance, if a customer is unhappy with their in-store experience and is trying to explain why, it is important to take into consideration why they feel this way, and work towards making sure it doesn’t happen again. If you blow off the opinions of the customer, you can never improve the company, and your work priorities are not adequate with what they should

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