Biomechanics Of Exercise Essay

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Biomechanics of exercise (
Safety is accurate exercise of biomechanics. The main aim of safe biomechanical analysis is to avoid the doing injury to the body. It is important to take an account that exercise safety is determined for every participants based on various factors like fitness level, age balance, bone and joint. The structure and movement capability of each individual's are different.
Biomechanics take place just to know quick assessment by look at person, lines created by spine and joint to joint. By analyse that it helps to select the exercise which is unsafe, ineffective and inefficient. Participation in exercise program is critical …show more content…

The main principle of exercise prescription are healthy adult whose goal is to improve overall physical fitness and health. Most healthy individuals exercise program includes aerobic exercise and resistance exercise to maintain their physical fitness.
FITT principle of exercise prescription Frequency, Intensity, Type and Time duration helps to improve health fitness of adults.
Component of Exercise Training
Warm up - 5-10 min of light to moderate intensity cardiorespiratory and muscular endurance activity
Conditioning- 20- 60 min of combination of all exercise
Cool down- 5-10 min light cardio exercise
Stretching- 10 min of stretching exercise performed after warm up or cool down phase

Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise recommended for Normal healthy individual is 3-5 days /week. Improvement in cardiovascular fitness are suggested with exercise frequency 3 days/week and maintain a steady state with improvement recommended more than 5 days/ week. Moderate intensity prescribed at least 5 days/week. vigorous exercise done 3 days/ week. Sometimes moderate and vigorous exercise given together to improve health benefits. …show more content…

Minimal skill or physical fitness activities are walking, cycling, aqua aerobic. Vigorous training are jogging, running, stepping and fast dancing . Other recreational sports like basketball, soccer, skiing and hiking.
Resistance exercise
Resistance training is very important in all ages because resistance exercise prevent chronic disease like diabetes mellitus, obesity and osteoporosis. Resistance training increase the bone mass and bone density. Thus, gradually it prevents bone mineral density and reverse the osteoporosis.
For general muscular fitness, particularly who are untrained or not engaged in formal training an individual should resistance train each muscle group 2-3 days/week with at least 48 hrs separating from same muscle group. Split the training into two muscle group so, 4 days/week two times each muscle group.
60-70 % 1 RM Moderate to vigorous intensity for beginners to improve the strength. 80% 1 RM to high resistance trainer. 40%-50% 1 RM very light intensity for sedentary individuals to improve the strength. 20%-50% for older people to improve the poer

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