Benefits Of Eating Kale

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Top Ten Benefits of Eating Kale
Kale is a leafy green member of the Brassica family, one of the cruciferous vegetables well known for their healthy sulfur-containing micro-nutrients. Experts now agree that cruciferous vegetables like kale should be a regular part of a healthy diet. Enjoy kale raw in salads, added to soup, lightly steamed or as part of a stir-fry dish. No matter how you eat it, Kale is one of the healthiest vegetables available. Here are a few of the health benefits of including kale as a regular part of your meal plan.
1. Kale Lowers Cholesterol
Kale contains components that bind bile acids, making them more easily excreted by the body. Excreting excess bile has the effect of lowering cholesterol in the body. One study showed that …show more content…

Kale is Heart Healthy
Kale is rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamins that support a healthy heart. In the United States, most adults are deficient in potassium. Increased potassium intake works with decreased sodium to lower the blood pressure. Add these benefits to the superior nutrition and cholesterol reducing benefits of kale and it is easy to see why kale is considered a heart-healthy superfood.

6. Kale is High in Fiber
With 7 grams of fiber per 100 calories, kale provides significant benefits to the digestion. The high fiber and water content help promote a healthy digestive tract and prevents constipation.

7. Kale is a Vegan Source of Omega-3s
Kale is a vegetable source of alpha-linolenic acid or ALA, an essential omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3s have significant health benefits. A 100 calorie serving of kale provides over 350 mg of ALA.

8. Kale is Rich in Vitamins
Calorie-for-calorie, kale is among the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Eating only 1 cup of kale provides over 200% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for beta-carotene, 684 % of the RDA for Vitamin K, and 134% of the RDA for Vitamin C. Kale also contains Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B6 along with numerous micro-nutrients and

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