Belief In Santa Claus

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The Belief In Santa Claus When I was young I believed as many other kids in the existence of Santa Clause. I believed mostly because I was told to but also because I wanted to believe. For me it was about the magic of a special figure who brought presents to all the kids around the world. I was fascinated with this being and all the treats he offered with the help of his trusted toy making elves. Christmas was always such a beautiful time with its red ribbons, pure white snow, and glimmering lights. For me this time would not be complete without the big man in the bright red suit. I did not know any other kid who did not believe at the time, but when I got a little older, the possibility of a child not believing in Santa was more possible to me. I realized that there were many children out in the world who had hard home lives, and did not receive presents every year the way I did. Then there where some who had entirely different religions and partook in different traditions and holidays than Christmas. Shortly after that the realization hit that Santa was a made up character, but by than I was old enough to not be too disappointed. …show more content…

Clifford says, “Our words, our phrases, our forms and processes and modes of thought, are common property, fashioned and perfected from age to age; an heirloom which every succeeding generation inherits as a precious deposit and a sacred trust to be handed on to the next one...”(2) It is the duty of the adult to see to it the child does not believe in trivial matters with no proof of existence. Those who would carry on these commonplace ideas of fabricated figures, hinder society by passing it down from generation to generation. To do so gives in to the possibility of breeding more belief without proof in other matters. In turn this will lead to fool hearty

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