Christianity: What I Was Taught In Catechism Class

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After being in this class for a couple of weeks now, I have realized that Christianity is so much different then what I was taught in Catechism class growing up. Every Monday up until ninth grade, I would drive my way over to religion class to listen to the teacher preach about Catholicism. From this, I gained only a slight view of what my religion entailed. The views were very one sided and not opened for interpretation, which made me have one select vision as to what Catholicism was. I never learned about other Christian religions or was taught about how influential Judaism was to Christianity. This past week, as I was reading chapter three, it never dawned on me that Christianity was a religion that took years to start up. Little did I know, that there …show more content…

Or did they just want to shield us from the conflicts within Christianity and only show us the good? For some reason, it seemed to bother me a little that I was never taught about the negative aspects of Christianity and anything controversial was never touched upon. I like to discover and know more about how my religion started and where it came up and I never seemed to have those questions answered until now. Same thing goes for the bible. Wondering who made the bible, I always thought that God somehow put it together. This may seem silly, but I was very naive to the fact that humans put the bible together for their present time. How the bible was formed was a question I always wanted to know, but never got the answer to. Little facts like that are important when learning about Christianity and I felt as if I was never taught about the history of Christianity. The only thing I was taught was simple aspects like the Seven Deadly Sins, The 10 Commandments, or basic bible stories like Noah’s Ark. Again, even when learning these components of the bible, I was taught in a very narrow view. My questions were never answered and from this, I got no real

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