Being Successful

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Every year the number of people enrolling in graduate schools is increasing. The purpose of their action may differ, but everyone has the same goal, namely success. In order to be successful and still maintain a balance in your personal life, one must prepare beforehand of what’s coming. Considering this, there are lots of tips like time management, networking, staying healthy etc, that might help during the time being a graduate student. First of all, the fact that some students achieve more than others is because they understand what works best for them. This is a crucial tip. Students must to find out where they feel most comfortable when studying, or what time of the day they are most productive. Moreover, when reading you need to …show more content…

A very popular quote of Benjamin Franklin says “Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” In other words, avoid being lazy and procrastinating. Procrastination is a destructive habit which leads to cramming and stress. Everyone has their own way of managing time and try to complete all the demands within the deadline. Thus, in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed, it is recommended to start planning ahead and divide the time accordingly by calculating how much time it takes to complete each task .In case that one task is taking much more time than anticipated, it is better to work in another task and resume the unfinished task if you have time left. (Tartakovsky, …show more content…

Graduate school is not only about improving student’s knowledge, but it is also about developing each student as a whole, including their personality and social behavior. Consequently, building relationships is essential. Students can meet new people not only in the classroom, but also attending conferences, workshops, volunteering or doing an internship. It is commendable for a student to try getting to know others by talking to them about their work, asking questions and generally being interested in what they have to say. Besides, according to author DesJardins (1995), this way of behaving would help students gain more friends possibly related to your field of study, with whom you may collaborate one day for projects or even work in the same place. As you broaden your social network, more people will provide you with proper feedback if you need it and you will have more opportunities to advance in your

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