Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show

542 Words2 Pages

It seems as though it’s impossible to provide an analogy to a group today that accurately expresses what the Beatles were to their hayday. I guess that the closest thing to the Beatles of 2014 is One Direction, British and super popular, but the Beatles were obviously much bigger and much more influential than any other pop culture icon in recorded history. The question is though, why were the Beatles so popular that they defined a genre and generation of music? Why did they have such a strong influence on pop culture that they still remain popular today? The Beatles have a distinct sound, but they also didn’t stick to this image that seems to be so popular in bands of today. They let their music change with their mood, and the mood of the time they wrote the song in. This, instead of causing them to seem instable and fragmented, made them even more defined. Their songs are different from each other in a way that keeps it exciting. Hearing the same song over and over again from one artist causes their fame to die out quickly, in the same way that no matter how much you like a song, i...

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