Baldungsroman Drown Quotes

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Diaz introduces the novel and the struggle with cultural identity through a quote by Gustavo Pérez Firmat, “The fact that I am writing to you in English already falsifies what I wanted to tell you. My subject: how to explain to you that I don’t belong to English though I belong nowhere else”. Diaz’s use of this quote as part of the epigraph sets the tone for the novel and shows how there is a disconnect from society as a multicultural person. In the bildungsroman Drown by Junot Diaz, the topic and idea of cultural identity appears multiple times throughout the book, especially in the short stories “Ysrael” and “Fiesta, 1980”. Diaz employs the use of code switching between Spanish and English to portray how it can be a common occurrence for people who have emigrated. Diaz also highlights how the culture differs with the behavior that is exchanged between family members. Masculinity is shown to be an extremely important quality to the men of this culture, in order to establish dominance. The pattern of cultural identity is shown through the use of code switching and language use, family dynamics and the importance of masculinity. Code switching is, according to Oxford Dictionaries, “the practice of alternating between two or more languages or varieties of language in conversation.” To …show more content…

This is shown throughout the novel. In the short story “Fiesta, 1980” this is shown through dialogue between Papi and Yunior, “If you throw up- I won’t, I cried, tears in my eyes, more out of reflex than pain” (Diaz 96). Diaz uses the tone to demonstrate how Yunior feels the need to justify his reasoning for being on the verge of tears. The tone of the dialogue shows how Yunior is trying to establish his masculinity and validate it. Diaz also points this out because having tears in your eyes over being yelled at usually connotes being sensitive which would go against the desire to demonstrate the

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