Difference Between Code Switching And Code Switching

883 Words2 Pages

Code Switching and Code Mixing

Proposed in order to complete one of assignment of Sociolinguistics course
Budi Hermawan, M.PC

Compiled by:
Yanti Nopianti 12510080
Kelas 4C


Code Switching and Code Mixing

In society, people are bilingual or more of a variety of different languages so that they can use the language of choice in communication activities. As in known in Indonesia, people of different languages, which means using more than one language to communicate. This phenomenon is called code switching or code mixing. Code switching is a transitional phenomenon that one code into another code, depending on the circumstances and background of the speaker. Changes may include factors such as the relationship between the speaker and the listener, language variation, speaking destination, the topics discussed, the time and place to talk.
My experienced when I was waiting for the store, I have a conversation with buyer and code switching occured:
Buyer : “Bu, beli tolak angin, eh di kirain ibu, taunya yanti, yanti kemana aja,
On code mixing means no dominant spoken language, examples like my friend who presented his business dominant with Indonesian but inserted with the English language in order to look cool or acceptable. I had an experience when I took part in the event, drove my friend. My friend presented on his business: “Saya menjual AC second all brand dengan harga yang terjangkau, ready all merk.” Then when my friend told me about the birth of her son: “Aku mah seneng pas ngelahirin suami aku selalu support, bilang “fighting.... fighting”, punya baby kembar itu bener-bener luar biasa senengnya, dan terus suamiku so sweet pokoknya. Problemnya sih pas mau ngelahirin anak kedua habis tenaga, tapi untungnya aku nya strong dan aku punya spirit yang bagus kata dokter

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