Auschwitz-Birkenau Research Paper

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Hitler felt that there was a major race struggle (“Auschwitz-Birkenau”). He felt that racial classes were needed to make the German society work (Lawton 6). On March 21,1933 a model concentration camp was built in Dachau. In the beginning these camps were known as “State Camps for Rehabilitation and Labor” (Biesinger “Concentration Camps”). Auschwitz was one of seven main death centers. Others included: Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Birkenau. (“Auschwitz-Birkenau”). What was first a Polish Military base was now a Nazi camp used to kill Jews, Poles, and Slavs (“Auschwitz”-Gale; Biesinger “Auschwitz”). Auschwitz was located in south eastern Poland, forty miles from Krakow (“Auschwitz”-Gale). The actual building of Auschwitz

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