Mein Kampf: A Book Written By Adolf Hitler

773 Words2 Pages

Jakub Hibner
English I
Mrs. H. Novik
14 October 2014

Mein Kampf
Many people have written many books. Many famous people have written many books. Many people have become famous for writing books. These books are few of millions. However there is one book that stands out among them all. A book so powerful, it caused and explained a World War. This book was and still is “Mein Kampf”. “Mein Kampf”, a book written by Adolf Hitler, outlined the plans of the Nazi Party had and explained their reasoning, allowing people to start to understand the cause of the war.
The circumstances under which the iconic Mein Kampf was written may have been unique; although comfortable it was a place where most best-selling authors would seldom choose. Between 1923 …show more content…

It stated a majority, if not all of Hitler’s plans, his ambitions and his political views. Throughout much of the story, Hitler expresses his distaste for Jews and other minorities, describing white people with blond hair and blue eyes as the superior race, or Aryan. He philosophized that if a superior race exists, there must also be inferior races, of lower rank and status. In “Mein Kampf” Hitler states: “ [Nazi philosophy] by no means believes in an equality of races, but along with their difference it recognizes their higher or lesser value and feels itself obligated to promote the victory of the better and stronger, and demand the subordination of the inferior and weaker in accordance with the eternal will that dominates this universe." Hitler’s main prejudice predjudice against Jews is also explained as Hitler notes that he and the Nazi Party recognize Jews as being the archenemy of the Aryan and prevent them from assuming their position as the superior race. This view would not only be shared with millions of Nazi Germans, but would also be taught to school-children. “Mein Kampf” also provides vivid explanation of Germany’s military conquests, attempted by Hitler and his followers. It was Hitler’s belief that since Aryans were the master race they simply deserved to have more land for themselves, and furthermore, that that land would be acquired by force. Hitler had ambitions to use land east of Germany for cultivating crops and to provide room for the expanding Aryan population at the expense of the Slavic peoples, who were to be removed, eliminated, or

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