Argumentative Essay On Animal Shelter

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Everyday across the country 9,000 cats and dogs are euthanized in shelters(Pet 360). Volunteers have started a no-kill shelter movement to transport animals from other countries to America. Animals that are transported have an opportunity to start a new life. However, for some animals the transportation causes high stress levels, and anxiety. There are many negative effects of the movement that could be prevented. The no-kill shelter movement can spread disease, be considered animal hoarding, and cause animals at the shelter to not receive enough care. Bringing animals from other countries spreads disease. Veterinarians are concerned because transporting animals into another region spreads different diseases that some animals aren’t used to. According to Smith Blackmore, a veterinarian troops that are bringing pets home from the Middle East are also bringing health issues(Blackmore para 12). Bringing animals in from overseas can transmit diseases from other countries. The American Heartworm Society has focused on growing concerns about the possible emergence of heartworm resistance in the Mississippi River Valley. Dr. Tom Nelson considers this by asking, “What’s new in heartworm disease?”(Nelson para 12). Last March the American Heartworm Society tested animals in Memphis, Tennessee and …show more content…

In Lilly Rockwell’s article she states that the city’s main animal shelter in East Austin is lacking in kennel space, it has 462 kennels(Newspaper Source Plus para 8). The new shelter was finished in 2011, and has 100 additional kennels. She also states that the kennels will be weatherproofed, and they will provide additional parking(Rockwell para 10). The shelter will also be hiring additional staff members to provide better care. Adding more staff members will help increase the amount of care each animal receives. The number of staff members greatly determines how much care the animals will

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