Anne Frank And The Holocaust

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The Holocaust is one of the most imfamous and prolific events in history. Millions were affected by the events that occured inside Nazi Germany and the terretories it controlled. Eleven million people were killed by the Nazi's during the Holocaust. Thanks to Hitlers narrow minded opinion about the jews, many people oppressed them before the killling. The Nuremberg Race Laws were specifically designed to oppress Jews. As Hitler gained more power, he began to make what he did legal. He had the final word on everything. He was a talented but morally challenged leader. We study the holocaust because we need to learn about the hardships people face. People can still relate to the Holocaust today. Anti-Semetism is not a new idea. Over the middle ages many people thought Jews were shady and obsessed with money. They were not to be trusted with anything. Hitler played on that ancient fear and used it to spark public hatred of the ones who were thought to be Jewish. Anyone who wasnt exactly what he approved of were sent to camps. Other people were hidden by sympathetic people. Anne Frank was hidden by such people. Anne Frank and her family went into hiding from the Nazi's. Her family immegrated to Holland after the innactment of the Nuremerg Race Laws. Otto Frank, her father, arranged for the family to go into hiding with another family, the Van Daans. Two weeks later, they were joined by Fritz Pfeffer (Dr. Dussel).She wrote in her diary what happened in the Secret Annexe. They lived in bad conditions, often with a shortage of food. They survived there for twenty-five months. They were rated out by a person who worked in the building. The Gestapo raided the building. The eight refugees were sent to concentration camps. They eventually we... ... middle of paper ... ...shower, they would get kkilled. Only about half of the victims were killed in the gas chambers. Others died of disease or exhaustion. The Holocaust is one of the most horrible and imfamous events in history, but thats precisly why we study it. The holocaust is not some fairy tale. It actually happened. It was started by Hitler and his cabinet, but the reason it lasted for so long is because people turned a blind eye to what was going on. People ignored their conciouses. Hitler had everything a great leader should have. Charisma, power, and best of all, ideas that would bring Germany to a new standard of greatness. Unfortunatly, his morals allowed for eleven million people to die. So, the reason we study the Holocaust is because events like it still happen today. We need to raise awareness and show what these people went through. That is why we study the Holocaust.

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