The Causes Of The Holocaust

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The Holocaust was a tragic time period. Many innocent people where killed just because of there religon. The reason why the Holocaust started was because of a terrible souless man. His name Adolf Hitler. He started this because he thought different people were the reason why the German goverment failed and surrendered in World War I (WWI). Before he became a crazy man he was an artist. He applied at a school in Italy and twice he got denied both time. He was actually a pretty good artist. Then he joined the Nazi party of Germany. Then him and some people tried to over throw the goverment and they failed and he was sent to prison. In prison he wrote a book called my struggle. Then they let him out of jail really early. He became Chancler of Germany. He was second in power. So he made some laws that would make the Dictator. He was the Big man on campus. He got many supporters that supported his cause. He was a great speach giver. Then he began to invade a boarding country. The country was Poland. The main reason he invaded Poland was because Poland was filled with Jewish people and the country was Communist. Then he started making these terrible camps that he sent the undesirables. The Undesriable were the people who Hitler thought were the reason why the German goverment failed. He made these terriable camps. They sent you there either to die or work. The people who were sent to these were treated horribaly and they bunched up many people in small places to sleep and barely get food. Then the Germans started invading more countries so they started a pact with Japan and Italy. The pact said that they would halp eachother with anything political, milatary, or economical. Those three countries both wanted to rule there part of the wor... ... middle of paper ... ...was a terrible war that nobody wants to ever happen again. It was really important to know the signs of it starting again like a country changing its' law like eliminating goverment postions so somebody has all the power. It is an amazing thing that we learn about the tragic events that took place in Europe. We also learn about the Holocaust because we don't want another world war. It would be tragic if we hand another world war that tore the world up. We also don't need another person doing the same exact thing Hilter did like creating laws discriminating many just because of their race or religon. So the main reason we learn about the Holocaust and all the other tragic event is to know how all the people around the world were effected in some way and if it did happen again it would also effect everybody right now. We also want to make sure it never happens again.

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