An Analysis Of Joseph Sugarman's Advertisements

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He believes the brand proposition should have the unique selling point or benefit included in. This is beneficial because if your product does something that no other product does then that makes it completely different, it has a different reason to be used just like in the Anacin advert where Anacin takes away headaches depression and anxiety, fast. 8. Write to one person, not a million — Fairfax M. Cone After Mr. Fairfax M.Cone took over the Lucky Strikes cigarettes account- he stood by clarity and honesty rather than being “clever and cute” with his advertising. His reasoning for this was that “ since real people have real problems, they didn't want clever and cute. This opened doors as he could identify one type of customer and advertise directly with that …show more content…

Sugarman goes into the psychology of that people grew up listening to stories and this was how they communicated and understood the world. In his adverts he uses pronouns such as I to represent ownership of something or someone. This ownership and story telling skills makes it perfect Vision Breakthrough glasses. The advert is written so well that it’s almost like a fantasy. Using language like ‘couldn’t believe eyes’ as an exaggeration saying that the first person has experienced it and it is this greatest experience in his/her life and after reading the story you start to envy the person that had that experience and so you start wanting that experience so you go out and buy the product that gave the friend the experience. The great thing about the advert is that Joe Sugarman has captured that excited persona David Ogilvy You need to be able to sell what you able to create otherwise you just an artist with no recognition Mr. Ogilvy goes into depth about marketing should be about connecting with an audience rather than doing it just for the

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