Amelia Mary Earhart: A Personal Narrative Of My Life

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Can you guess who I am?I had the same man propose to me two times and both times I said “no”! I built a roller coaster in my backyard with my sister. I have a stamp that is worth 8¢ and it was made on my birthday. If you said “ Amelia Mary Earhart” well then you're correct! I was born in my grandmother's house in Atchison, Kansas, in 1897. I am one of two girls, me and my sister Muriel. An interesting fact about my childhood is that I loved to play “boyish” games and instead of wearing fancy dresses like most girls, my mother made me and Muriel “playsuits”. Another interesting fact about my childhood is that I was not that passionate about flying until later in my life when I saw an air show the summer going into 8th grade. The college that I decided to go to was Columbia University. Something about me you should know is that I inspired first lady Eleanor …show more content…

First, I saw an air show and that inspired me to become one of the first successful female pilots. Then, I was asked to fly across the Ocean I accepted it and then I found going to be a passenger on the plane.Then finally Neta Snook led to my big achievements. She was my first flying teacher. That’s how I became famous and who helped with that. Let me tell you a little more about myself. I went to 6 different high schools due to me and my family moving around so much. Also, on June 17, 1928 I started flying across the ocean and then 21 hour later I became the first female pilot to fly across the ocean. Sadly, I died in 1937 during my around the world flight I crashed in the ocean ( or os it is told) and was never found. But in my honor, people have created an award dedicated to me. It is called the Earhart Award and it can be given to Civil Air Patrol's. I hope you can learn something from my life. I have a message for you: It is that girls can do anything that boys can do. They do it the same way and sometimes excel at it more than the

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