Amelia Earhart

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It has been almost 75 years since the famous pilot, Amelia Earhart, disappeared somewhere over the Pacific during her attempt to fly around the world. She was very-well known and when news hit of her disappearance, many were devastated. Amelia changed many lives, giving inspiration and serving as a role-model for women everywhere. Her impact still stands today. The tasks she went through and all her hard work to change the female image will never be forgotten. Amelia was born on July 24th, 1987. She lived with her grandparents and went to a private school in Atchison, Kansas. During the summer months she would stay with her father in Kansas City, Missouri, which is where he had a job on the Rock Island Railroad. When Amelia turned twelve, she and her younger sister, Muriel, went to live with their parents in Des Moines, Iowa. During her time in Des Moines her father took her to an air show at a state fair where Amelia had seen her first airplane. She wasn't very impressed. “It was a thing of rusty wire and wood and looked not at all interesting.” It wasn’t until years later when she had attended a stunt-flying exhibition with a friend that she became interested in aviation. During her childhood, her father struggled with an alcohol addiction. This caused problems with their economic situation and part of the reason that Amelia and her sister had to keep moving and attend several different schools. She ended up graduating from Hyde Park High School in 1915 and continued her education at The Ogontz School for Young Ladies. She left Ogontz in the middle of her second year after visiting her sister and started work as a nurse’s aide at Toronto’s Spadina Military Hospital. She left her job and entered the pre-med program at Columbia ... ... middle of paper ... disappearance was on June 2, 1937, near her destination. President Roosevelt issued a massive search for the beloved pilot. On January 5, 1939, Amelia Earhart was declared legally dead in a Los Angeles court. Today, searches continue for Earhart’s wreckage. Evidence has been found that she could have possibly been stranded on the island Nikumaroro. Plans for sounding the ocean floor have been established for 2014 and we are even closer to finding out the mystery of how this woman aviator passed on. Many theories have been made, some dealing with government conspiracies, but people will not stop until the truth has been verified. Every search takes us one step closer to finding it. Even if her death is a mystery, her life was not, and her cause still lives today. The equality for women is still fought even now and she was a major part of getting us where we are.

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