Aircraft Maintenance Practices

618 Words2 Pages

There are lots of activities require to work at height especially in air transport industry. It could be when checking the engines, wing access, tail access, and in many more manner. Working at height is certainly inevitable and must be taken into account crucially, knowing it is liable to serious injuries and fatalities whether it resulted from falls below or above 2 m. Also, it could harm not just the people falling but also the object falling onto people. It is basically a work that involves proper guidelines and practices to follow and competent workers, although sometimes common sense will keep people from undesirable circumstances.

Here are simple guidelines to consider before working with height:
• As much as possible avoid working at height
• But when it cannot be avoided, work in a safe place and use the proper equipment

Additional guidelines to consider according to the law:
• Secure that workers can safely work at height
• All equipment must be strong, appropriate, and maintained properly for the job
• Be more careful when at fragile surfaces
• Prevent workers from falling objects
• Do not place too much load when working at height
• Emergency procedures must be taken into account

In order to comply with these prescribed rules and regulations, the employers and competent workers should be responsible with proper work planning and consider the risk assessment before carrying out tasks, as well as having a sensible approach with various factors and conditions involved in particular situations. Those factors are the weather conditions that could put the workers at risk, the place where the work is to be carried out which should be checked every time before use, the falling objects should be guarded and protect peop...

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...o, consider using risk assessment when working in confined spaces because it would help determine the level of risks present provided with particular control measures to be done, and the person subjected to harm.

For the reason that it involves extreme danger, liable to accidents and serious injury alike, it essentially demands an emergency team for rescue if something unpleasant occurs. This procedure likewise, has to be compulsorily handled by proficient and coherent workers.

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- Confined Spaces -

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