A Rhetorical Analysis Of 'Why Read Shakespeare' By Michael Mack

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Why read Shakespeare? No, this isn’t a rhetorical question. More of a general topic of a persuasive text. Although it doesn’t sound pleasing or appealing to your interest you should definitely read Shakespeare even though it might be complex to read at first. This is exactly what Michael Mack the author of “why read Shakespeare” is saying in the persuasive text. He told it to a class of an incoming freshman class of a christian college. First the author of “why read Shakespeare” did A decent job on relating to his audience by his use of saying “what would my bowling buddies think”. Although this is phrase is out dated but you can still get the message that he’s trying to get through. With this term he’s say that your friends might think less …show more content…

They think that Shakespeare isn’t going to he them in the real world with real daily problems! The author says “Shakespeare offers us a lens on the real world in which we live”. Also meaning that yes it does contribute to the real world and it’s just not some book you read for fun, because you will never get what Shakespeare is trying to say.
Third the author implies the importance of reading Shakespeare is just as important as any other subject you will cross paths with. Unless it’s basket weaving? The author Matt even said “we think biology and chemistry, history and politics, psychology and sociology as subjects that are focused on the real world”. But really Shakespeare has all these things in it and should be taken seriously like all your other courses. He also says that Shakespeare is hard to read and even he had to re-read and re-read it to understand it.
Lastly he uses a rhetorical device in which he states “literature teaches you about life ,and the better you understand literature, the better you understand life”. This is a great use of a paradox that literature means Shakespeare and where life in literature go hand and hand. The use of this is probably exaggerated and yet gets a nice point through by using

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