A Narrative Essay About Learning How To Read And Write

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As the first born, my parents had no idea on how or what to do regarding on teaching me how to read and write. Most parents have an idea on how to raise a child, but my parents had no clue because they were kids themselves. As a kid I learned how to read at a young age, I was probably three year’s old. My parents would always put educational TV shows that would always keep me quiet and distracted. Technology was my first english instructor. Nowadays parents buy toddlers tablets, where they can watch videos while at the dinner table, in the car, and etc. just to keep them calm. When I was young the only technology I was provided with was a television, where I’d enjoy watching channel eight. These shows taught me how to pronounce and read each letter from a word. I would watch educational TV shows that would come out on PBS such as “Sesame Street”, “Super Why”, and “WordWorld”. These shows taught me a good variety of words at a young age. Although it wasn't school, I consider it a way of learning how to read and understand the way it worked. I learned how to write at five years of age. I started to read and write in spanish because it was my first language, and I also attended bilingual classes. Until fifth grade was when I went into reading and writing english classes. These lessons began at home and at school, but …show more content…

I'm more like in between. I enjoy writing notes, and jotting down things, because I enjoy looking at my handwriting but I hate writing papers, essays, and etc. On the other hand I’m very picky on what books I like to read, but I’m not really involved with reading either. I read every once in awhile when people recommend me a book, and the book seems interesting I’ll most likely read it. I prefer reading novels rather than poetry. I struggle trying to understand poetry, I have no idea why but everytime I read poetry is like I understand the words, but I don't understand what’s happening. Weird

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