A Comparison Of Logan's Run And Soylent Green

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Logan’s Run and Soylent Green are two dystopian movies that take place in the future under one big ruling government. Dystopia is the opposite of Utopia and is a world where everything possible can go wrong. It shows people a different way of thinking and examine a dissimilar lifestyle. In both films the society people grow up in is based on lies, people are divided into a class structure, and women are portrayed as weaker than men, however there is a difference in these class structures and the way women are treated. In the movie, people are kept from the truth. The characters grow up in a futuristic world where everyone dies at the age of thirty. Logan is a Sandman and his job is to kill the runners, people who try to run away instead of …show more content…

In Logan’s Run, everyone is separated by age. Kids wear yellow, young adults wear green, and people close to the age of thirty wear red. This keeps the people divided, however everyone lives a similar lifestyle. Everyone has the same apartments, no one has relationships, and people wear similar styles of clothing. In the second movie the population is divided by a caste system. Society is overpopulated so it is hard for people to find jobs, yet the upper class lives in nice huge apartments with new technology and unlimited food supply. When the detective visits the CEO’s apartment, he is astonished to see how big it is. There is also a distinction in the appearance of classes. The wealthier are clean and well groomed, such as Shirl the lady who lives with the CEO has nice colorful dresses and her hair is kept clean and combed. While the poor are dirty and wear old tattered clothes. Detective Thorn wears an old off colored beige jacket and his face is always sweaty and covered in dirt. If the two characters were to be seen together on the streets, it would be obvious to people which one was …show more content…

When Logan and Jessica escape the robot and are outside the city they start a fire and spend the night. While they sit by the fire Jessica needs Logan to hold her because she is scared of the dark. It shows that she is delicate and needs a man to keep her safe. Also, when Logan is looking at the painting of the president Jessica is taken by Francis, she does not fight for herself but instead calls for Logan to come save her. She is dependent on Logan to always keep her safe. In the other movie women are treated like furniture. They come with the apartment and can be used for anything. They are slaves for the men to use. When Shirl has her friends over at her apartment Charles, a man who works there, come in and starts hitting the women because they are slacking. Women are given no respect to in the movie. Both films show women as weak and unimportant, but Jessica unlike Shirl is treated like a

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