Compare And Contrast Nurse Ratched And Lady Macbeth

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Throughout history, men have always been on top of society’s hierarchy and demonstrated their dominance over women. Thus, it is very interesting to read literature written in the past who portray women to hold a lot of power. The two examples of powerful female figures are Nurse Ratched in Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Lady Macbeth in William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth. Ken Kesey wrote his novel in 1962, and Shakespeare years before that, years before women in society were seen as equals, much less considered to be powerful figure. Yet, both Nurse Ratched and Lady Macbeth are very powerful, domineering female figures who control men by manipulating them and maintaining a deceiving innocent appearance. However, while …show more content…

Nurse Ratched does not love the men. She only maintains her power over them, but controlling their schedules and making them act the way she wants. She is there as the overseer, but ultimately does not really care about how the patients feel. When she orders a patient to be sent to receive electro-shock therapy or lobotomized, she does not regret the order, nor does she sympathize with them. She even goes on to telling them it is for their own good. Furthermore, she not only does not feel responsible for any of the bad outcomes, but rather blames them on McMurphy. She blames both Cheswick and Billy Bibbit’s suicides on McMurphy. Even though she is the one who constantly kept both men under full control, and had even threatened to tell Billy Bibbit’s mom of his actions, the fear of which made Billy Bibbit take his own life, she took no responsibility for any part in their suicides. Even if they destroy the men around her, Nurse Ratched feels no regrets to do the actions necessary for her stay in power. On the other hand however, Lady Macbeth is the opposite. Although she has some dark desires, ultimately, she loves her husband and only supports him in his path to become king. She is always there for him, and cares about him. At the party after …show more content…

Even though they differ in the sense that one only does it to maintain power and feels no remorse, while the other does it out of love and the guilt of it haunts her forever, they are still alike in the ways they use manipulation and deception of appearances as tools to get what they want. They demonstrate to the audience that women can be equally as powerful as men, and not only that, but can actually control them and drive them to their own destruction, if they so

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