Comparison Of Dystopia And Modern-Day America

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What is different from Dystopia then Modern-Day America? People think that Dystopia is all the same and everyone is the same. Modern-Day America is not all the sameness that is Dystopia. Like Dystopia in the Giver they did not do the same things as in the Modern-Day America as we do it normal. In Dystopia everything normal but, to us it seems too be weird if though it normal for them.

To begin with, what is different from Dystopia world then Modern-Day America? The different thing from the Giver Dystopia book. That they cannot see color then Jonas receive the color red from the giver ( ) they can only see the color grey and black. As we can see color. They also cannot have twins they have to release them by seeing who weighs less and then put a shot in their forehead and it kills them ( ). As we do not kill twins as that would be murder and we would go to jail. …show more content…

We do have random storms as we would need the rain to grow food but, we do not need tornado that kills and destroys houses and buildings. Dystopia also do not buy food people bring food to the family unit ( ). As in the Modern-Day America we have to buy our own food and we could buy as much as we need. As in the Giver they could not buy any food. In the Giver they talk about how everyone birthday is in December ( ). As in the Modern-Day America our birthday is on the day we were born. Also in the Giver they are not born from their mother they are adapted. Also they are born from a birth

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