A Certain Lady Dorothy Parker Interpretation

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Poetry is the masterful combination of literature and art. Often being used to convey emotion, feeling, or visualization that could otherwise not be captured in more formal structures of writing. Unique perspectives and insight come from the rhythmic and sometimes encrypted language used in poems. Perhaps one of the most enticing attributes of poetry is the way they can often twist and manipulate the reader’s perception of the story as it progresses. Most poems are living words that can start out reading innocently and basic, before eventually transforming into a much richer story with a profound meaning. This intricate style of writing allows for deeper storytelling that different people interpret diverse meanings from based on their unique …show more content…

They are the voice through which everything is described, therefore, to fully comprehend the entirety of the story, the reader must pay careful attention to determine just who they are. For example, the poem A Certain Lady by Dorothy Parker can be slightly confusing prior to identifying the speaker’s personality. Throughout most the story, Dorothy describes a loving flirtatious couple laughing and celebrating the affection they share for on another. However, beginning in the second stanza and solidified in the last three lines, the speaker radically reverses the way the poem is to be perceived. Regrettably, this is a much more depressing story than it would first appear. There is this sensation that at the beginning of these two’s relationship there was likely an authentic and exciting love they shared. Although, as time went on the husband would casually share stories of his unrepentant infidelity. Eventually, this drove a harsh wedge between the two lovers until the woman likewise fell into a lifestyle of secretive adultery. Neither party being faithful or honest to the other, though they both continue their defective, poisonous

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