The Unethical Issues of the Tuskegee Study

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In 1929, there were good intentions to help the African Americans. The Julius Rosenwald Fund tried to improve the health illnesses of African Americans by approaching representatives of the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS). Unfortunately, the Great Depression did not allow for this study to happen because it hit the Fund hard. Since there were no more funds, Dr. Taliaferro Clark, Chief of the USPHS Venereal Disease Division and author of the Rosenwald Study report, suggested that the treatment study could be partly saved by conducting a new study. This study became known as “Study of Untreated Syphilis in Males.” The U.S. Public Health Service conducted this new experiment study which consisted of 399 men with syphilis and 201 men without syphilis for forty years, from 1932 to 1972. There was a total of six hundred men who participated in this study. In 1932, the Public Health Service collaborated with the Tuskegee Institute, an African American university which was founded by Booker T. Washington. The men that were chosen for this study were illiterate and were sharecroppers from Alabama. The syphilis rate in Macon County was the highest with a 39.8%. The Tuskegee study became morally and ethically wrong when penicillin became available to treat syphilis and was denied to the participants of the study. The study broke many ethical rules. The participants were told that if they participated, they were going to receive free medical care for their “bad blood.” The men were never informed what they were actually being treated for. Unfortunately, these men accepted because they were getting free healthcare and that is what they desired since they were very poor. In the beginning, this study was not going to last long; it was sup... ... middle of paper ... ...cessary to help them treat syphilis. Many people died painful deaths and many were affected by this research. Even though there were no laws that stated the ethical procedures of how to conduct a study, the doctors should have done what was right. They should not have lied and should have confronted the African Americans with the truth. From the Tuskegee Study, we now have protocols that protect our human rights and to put life before scientific experiments. Never again, shall something so horrific and unethical happen again. Works Cited

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