You've Got Another Thing Comin' Essays

  • Hulga Hopewell Good Country People

    743 Words  | 2 Pages

    that they are just two weird people who probably would need each other in their own little world. Manley Pointer found every way to get his hands on his leg, but in a way I felt that was a karma thing because hulga always made so much noise with the leg and it always bothered her mother, so the one thing she used to annoy her mother was taken from her so it was karma. So my sympathy for hulga is not much at all because she knew what she was getting into but she thought she could changed a man who

  • Muddy Waters Biography

    1850 Words  | 4 Pages

    the feeling of excitement. But when you listen to the song the lyrics, they suggest that he has to stay a musician because his life depends on the income that it brings. The lyrics of this sing include “Well I broke down hungry, I got to go out to the well yard, I got to get myself a food stamp, So I can buy myself a cup of coffee, Well I can see I was born to lose, For me there ain't no escape from the blues.” The sound of his voice has become more clear over the course of his career. Also the overall

  • Development of Characters in Educating Rita

    974 Words  | 2 Pages

    of the play. There’s another knock at the door Frank: Come in! Come in! Rita: (From the doorway) I’m comin’ in, aren’t I? It’s that stupid bleedin’ handle on the door. You wanna get it fixed! (She comes into the room) Frank: (Staring, slightly confused) Erm – yes, I suppose I always mean to… This immediately shows the difference between the two characters, how Rita is self confident and how Frank is a bit shocked at this kind of behaviour and it’s the kind of thing he wouldn’t expect from

  • Grapes Of Wrath

    2542 Words  | 6 Pages

    often compared to Jesus Christ, leading his 12 deciples to the promised land. For one he did not lead the family-Ma Joad did. He also was not leading them out of a belief in himself of anyother mystical idea. He just joined them for the ride. Another thing is, is that although Jim Casey died for his cause he did not preach anything remotely similar to Jesus Christ, unless that was the point-he was supposed to represent a neo-Jesus, and did not do his pilgrimage the same way. Basically, while their

  • Jean Louise Finch: A Short Story

    1937 Words  | 4 Pages

    I had just gotten back from lunch. The half hour alone had helped calm my nerves: that poor Walter Cunningham and wretched Jean Louise Finch had flustered me. Undermining my authority in front of the entire class on my first day! I had cried my eyes out, not that I had let the children see—I must maintain the image of a perfect woman. Oh well. It was no matter, I tried to convince myself. A slight mishap, that’s all it had been. Now that lunch was over and class had begun again, I would finally be

  • Comparing the Opening Scene of Educating Rita to the Opening Scene of Pygmalion

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    had. He realises that it isn't that great being an upper-middle class intellectual, and he doesn't believe that it is worth the effort that Rita has to go through to be one. This is apparent later on in the play, in Act II Scene iv: RITA I've got a room full of books. I know what clothes to wear, what ... ... middle of paper ... ...n comes into a man's office and asks him to teach her. In both, he is reluctant to do so, and she says that she might change her mind, and in both, the lessons