Yates Essays

  • Andrea Yates

    967 Words  | 2 Pages

    Andrea Yates Arguement Last June in 2001, a 37-year-old lady by the name of Andrea Yates, was arrested for killing her five children. Most people like me would agree that she was sane, and the death penalty would have been the right punishment for Mrs. Andrea Yates. The punishment in the State of Texas for committing two capital crimes is life in jail or the death penalty. Andrea’s lawyer tried to show her innocence by protesting that she was insane at the time of the killings. This plea

  • Andrea Kennesy Yates

    900 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kennedy Yates was born on July 2, 1964 in Houston, Tex. She graduated from Milby High School in Houston in 1982. She was the class valedictorian, captain of the swim team and an officer in the National Honor Society. She completed a two-year pre-nursing program at the University of Houston and then graduated in 1986 from the University of Texas School of Nursing in Houston. She worked as a registered nurse at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center from 1986 until 1994. Yates early life

  • Andrea Yates Research Paper

    1219 Words  | 3 Pages

    2001 in a small, suburban household in Houston, TX, Andrea Yates drowned her five children in a bathtub after her husband left for work. The crime is unimaginable, yes, but the history leading up to the crime is just as important to the story. Andrea Yates childhood, adulthood, and medical history are all potent pieces of knowledge necessary to understanding the crime she committed. From birth to teen years, the childhood of Andrea Yates was both positive with accomplishments, and negative with

  • Ode On Grecian Urn and Sailing To Byzantium

    548 Words  | 2 Pages

    song." (1,2,3) Imortality hit you in the face start off these lines. It talks about old becoming young and birds and trees. This makes you think of spring and vegetation and animals and life. Yates uses vivified examples such as "An Aged Man is but a patty thing, a tattered coat upon a stick." (9,10) Yates is describing a scarecrow or what you might call death. He also talks about a maniacal bird in lines thirty and thirty-one. This is something that isn't dying and will go on forever. These

  • The Impact of ICT on Manufacturing

    3232 Words  | 7 Pages

    (Internet). I researched through the Internet & found many helpful sites to complete my report. Search engines such as www.google.com has helped me to find the relevant sites for my report. I used some information from http://www.thekjs.essex.sch.uk/yates/it08_-_9.htm to complete my report. There are also some other sites from which the information has been taken. I have also acquired* some information from the PC World magazine to learn about the different soft wares that are used in world of manufacturing

  • Photography in Advertising and its Effects on Society

    3724 Words  | 8 Pages

    images. As early as 1896, leading psychologists were arguing that memory was nothing more than a continuous exchange of images. (Bergson) Later models of memory describe it as more of an image text; a combination of space and time, and image and word. (Yates) Although image certainly is not the only component of memory, it is undoubtedly an integral and essential part of memory’s composition. Photography was first utilized over 100 years ago in an attempt to preserve life as it existed before the industrial

  • Touching the Void

    1038 Words  | 3 Pages

    bad blizzard hits and it hard to see and to hold on to you friend who couldn't get into a snow hole. So stuck with a dufficlt sticution do you cut the rope or have both of you fall to your death? Well this is what happened to Joe Simpson and Simon Yates. They climbed the west face of the Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes in 1985. They had no problem getting up it was when they came down, and Joe broke his leg and it went through his knee joint is what caused difficulties. Sinc eit was only the

  • Analysis of The Last Castle

    984 Words  | 2 Pages

    Analysis of The Last Castle In the film, The Last Castle, I found many aspects and theories that involve organizational communication throughout the movie. The film is about a US prison where the prisoners have formally served in the military and have committed crimes while serving their time. The movie shows how the prisoners come together when a former well-respected general is sent there to overpower the man that runs the facility. The first theory and probably the most noted theory is the

  • Andrea Yates

    1819 Words  | 4 Pages

    Story of Andrea Yates Composition I: Effective Writing for Criminal Justice Majors Story of Andrea Yates On June 20, 2001 a woman by the name of Andrea Yates, stunned the whole country with one of the most bizarre acts of violence that a parents could ever do to their own children. She called her husband at work and told him “I did it” confused by what was going on, he rush home only to find his house filled with officers of the law. The husband asked, “What is going on?”, and only to found

  • Postpartum Depression

    736 Words  | 2 Pages

    Postpartum Depression In 2001, Andrea Yates, a Texas mother, was accused of drowning her five children, (aged seven, five, three, two, and six months) in her bathtub. The idea of a mother drowning all of her children puzzled the nation. Her attorney argued that it was Andrea Yates' untreated postpartum depression, which evolved into postpartum psychosis that caused her horrific actions (1) . He also argued that Andrea Yates suffered from postpartum depression after the birth of her fourth child

  • An Investigation of Postpartum Depression

    1140 Words  | 3 Pages

    An Investigation of Postpartum Depression Missing Works Cited The recent Andrea Yates murder trial brought a firestorm of controversy as the issue of postpartum depression (PPD) became a debated topic throughout the country. Did Andrea truly suffer from psychosis as she drowned her five children in the bathtub or was such defense a scheme to avoid the death sentence? Prosecutors suggested the spousal-revenge theory as a motive for the killings. Could she have committed murder to get back at

  • Andrea Yates

    1075 Words  | 3 Pages

    Is it really possible to lose all self-control and not be able to control your actions? Andrea Yates was a mother of five children who she then decided to drown all five of her children. A mother who kills all five of her children, is not something you hear of often. It shocked me actually when I heard the whole story and everything that went down. As a listener of the story who is young and still growing into the mature age, it’s hard for me to understand “why” and “how”? I have grown up with severe

  • Andrea Yates Case

    1646 Words  | 4 Pages

    Andrea Yates was born on July 2nd, 1964 in Houston, Texas, and she was raised in the Houston area (Denno, 2003). Her father was a retired auto shop teacher who died of Alzheimer’s disease shortly before the murders of Yates’s children, and her mother Jutta Karin was a home maker (Denno, 2003). Andrea was the youngest of five, and was a high achiever; and in high school she was captain of the swim team, a National Honor Society member, and valedictorian of her 1982 graduating class (Denno, 2003)

  • Arguments Against Insanity Defense

    1393 Words  | 3 Pages

    majority of these cases host episodes of strange erratic behaviour people tend to think anyone who pleas insanity has more than just a mental illness. Typically, these people have to undergo psychiatric evaluations to see what is Throughout the Andrea Yates case it is clear to see how confusing the not guilty by reason of insanity plea really is. There is no clear cut answers, and the courts have to review the case each year. After her sentencing to life in prison was reversed, the case looked more into

  • Analysis: How We Decide A Criminal Is Insane

    1468 Words  | 3 Pages

    tormented by demons,” she then begun to drown each child in the bathtub to “save” them from being tormented (Roche., 2002, p. 1-3). Yates then placed all five children in a bed side by side to hide the bodies because she knew that people would question the whereabouts of the children, but by doing this she truly thought she was saving her children (Roche., 2002, p. 1-3). Andrea Yates was emotionally unstable, and couldn’t differentiate imagination from reality. In the end, she knew exactly what she did would

  • Corroborate Agnew's General Strain Theory

    1906 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Yates’ unconventional standard of living along with the social belief that a woman’s role is to be the homemaker could have created anxiety and undue pressure on Andrea. Their pastor and mentor, Woroniecki “preached that parents were ultimately responsible for the souls of their children” and if children were behaving poorly the parents should “commit suicide rather than cause their children to stumble and go to hell” (Lancet 1952). The Yates lived on Woroniecki’s converted bus for two years

  • Andrea Yates Psychological Perspective

    769 Words  | 2 Pages

    On June 20, 2001, a terrible tragedy occurred, as Andrea Yates drowned all five of her children in the bath. After drowning each child child, she picked them up, tucked them in her bed and called in her next victim until all 5 children were deceased. After she had successfully drowned each child, she calmly called her husband and notified local police that she was in need of an officer. As this case reached international news, many pondered what would make the mother of five do such an abysmal thing

  • Case Study Of Andrea Yates

    1399 Words  | 3 Pages

    interestingly involves insanity is that of Andrea Yates. Yates was found not guilty, of killing her five children, by reason of insanity. In law, acquitting someone not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI) is a

  • The Case Study of Andrea Yates

    888 Words  | 2 Pages

    Andrea Yates long history of mental illness did impact what she did to her children as well as an outside influence of Michael and Rachel Woroniecki. In 1993 Rusty and Andrea married and a year later they had their first child a son named Noah. They planned on having many children whatever God intended for them. Their five children were all named after figures from the Bible. After Andrea’s first child Noah was born she began to have violent visions and felt that Satan was speaking to her. Andrea

  • Andrea Yates Case Study

    1162 Words  | 3 Pages

    be very interesting but also very insane... Andrea Yates’ was a mom of five children and randomly decided one day to drown all of them because she believed that would save them from “burning in hell”. After the occurrence of this traumatic event, she was sent to psychiatric prison for life but was eventually released if received excellent mental health care. Many people were shocked that they released her from prison because this woman