With The Guns Essays

  • Gun Control And Gun Violence

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    Fewer Laws More Guns Is scary to think about family members or close friends dying innocently because they were victims of a gun shooting. The recent shooting at a 7-Eleven store, across from Cerritos College, has many people talking about gun violence. In America, on of the biggest issue is gun violence. Throughout the years, the gun violence in America has been increasing. Most of the time, the shootings occur at schools, stores and at public places where lots of innocent people get injured or

  • Guns And Gun Restrictions Essay

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    discussing the issue of guns and gun restrictions. Many people have different opinions on guns. Guns are good for many reasons three of them being you can protect yourself and family you can use them to kill animals to eat also having people carry guns lowers the crime rate. Guns are good for many things some people believe that guns are only used for killing and for no good. While yes guns kill we often don't hear about the times they save lives because people fear their gun will be taken from them

  • Gun Control or Gun Leniency

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    Gun control is a major issue in today’s society. Every day on the news guns have taking somebodies life or injured them. 12,664 U.S. homicide victims, 8,583 were killed by firearms; and of those, 323 were known to have been killed with rifles. Handguns accounted for 6,220 murders, and the rest were from shotguns, undefined other guns or unknown types of firearms (Crain's Detroit Business). The four articles I chose are about gun control and rather it should be considered or to be left alone. Liberal

  • Gun Control: Is It Gun Violence or Not?

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    The conversation of gun control and gun regulation has been a great debate over the decades. NRA Executive vice president Wayne LaPierre, in his speech on Newtown Shooting that occurred on December 21st, 2012, addresses the topic of gun control and argues that guns are not the cause of gun violence. LaPierre's project is to instead of gun control and decreasing the numbers of guns, increase the numbers of guns to solve the problem of gun violence. On the other side of debate, an American journalist

  • Gun Ownership And Gun Control

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    Gun Control According to “Capital Punishment, Gun Ownership, and “Homicide”, it is attempting to answer “two controversial questions, both related to the problem of interpersonal violence in America.” One of the questions asks if “the use of the death penalty exert any measurable influence on the rate of homicide in the U.S.?” and the other asks “what relationship, if any, exists between the level of gun ownership and the level of homicidal violence?” (G. Kleck, 1979) One might ask, “How do you

  • Gun Ownership and Gun Control in Canada

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    Gun Ownership and Gun Control in Canada The Oscar-won documentary ‘Bowling for Columbine’ has aroused people’s awareness of gun ownership and gun control issues. Should gun ownership be banned or should guns be controlled? Does gun ownership create a violent society? The answer is not measurable, however, from the firearm situation between America and Canada, the answer is more obvious. America probably has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world. In Canada, the percentage of

  • The Effects Of Gun Control On Gun Violence

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    1995. “The Effects of Gun Seizures on Gun Violence: ‘Hot Spots’ Patrol in Kansas City.” Justice Quarterly 12(4):673–93. The Kansas City Gun experiment was launched in October 1972 through October 1993 by the Kansas City Police Department through a grant awarded program. The “Weed and Seed” was a program developed under the Bureau of Justice Assistance in 1991. The study was designed to deter carrying a gun in hot spot areas known for high crime rates. Due to the need for gun control became a nationwide

  • Guns: A Personal Essay: The History Of Guns

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    Guns have been apart of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was about six years old my dad came home one day and took me into the back yard. He told me he had something for me and that I needed to be vary careful with it. After I agreed to only using it while he was there to make sure I used it safely, he gave me my vary own BB gun. After a quick safety lesson it was time to start shooting, I had even drawn a target onto a cardboard box. After a few years of shooting and a few thousand

  • Gun Rights vs Gun Control

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    United States has caused the gun control debate to intensify. While anti-gun control advocates say the Second Amendment guarantees each individual the right to bear arms, the pro-gun control group reads the Second Amendment as a collective right to bear arms; meaning organized militia are the only ones with that right. This essay will analyse the effectiveness of several different articles which present arguments for and against gun control. Charles W. Collier’s article, “Gun Control in America: An

  • Guns and Elections: The Politics of Gun Control

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    In the book Guns, Gun Control, and Elections: The Politics and Policy of Firearms, Wilson discusses the complex issue of gun control and the many debates and controversies regarding the issue. Many people throughout the United States feel it is the right as a citizen in the United States to own a weapon, and the government should have no say in the matter. These people believe this because of the part of the Second Amendment that states, “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be

  • Gun Control versus Gun Rights

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    Introduction In America guns have been a part of the country’s society since it’s birth. Throughout history the citizens of the US have used firearms to protect the nation, protect their families, hunt for food and engage in sporting activities. The issue of Guns and gun control is complex. Weighing the rights and liberties of the individual against the welfare and safety of the public has always been a precarious balancing act. In the United States, gun control is one of these tumultuous issues

  • Smart Guns

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    as smart gun technology. Smart guns or personalized guns are guns designed to be fired only by the gun's owner. As such the gun would be useless in the hands children. The Need for a Smart Gun According to FBI statistics in 2005 twenty percent of cops shot in the line of duty were shot with their own gun, and there were twenty-four deaths resulting from school shootings (http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/add info .htm). These statistics demonstrate some potential benefits of smart gun technology

  • Persuasive Essay On Guns Against Guns

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    their children safe when they are away from home receiving an education. This poses an issue, some people see it is fit for teachers to be armed with a gun in case of future attacks on the school. The outcome that will follow from arming teachers will be negative, but there is a solution that involves the protection of students without handing guns over to teachers. First, having a firearm in a building full of children or young adults is asking for an accidental incident to happen. This scenario

  • Gun Legalization

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    battle without them needing to even get close to their enemy. In today’s society, guns have reached far passed strictly being used in warfare, being used to murder, steal, and threaten. People are terrified now more than ever because of guns falling into the wrong hands. Although guns have many cons, they have many advantages to back them up in recent protests against them. To begin with the more positive side of things, guns have been necessary for acquiring food for centuries. Without firearms, hunting

  • Gun Control

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    Constitution give people the right, or should guns be restricted or banned because they are used in the commission of many crimes? Some argue that the right to bear arms is not as vital today as it was in the 1700's, or that it does not apply to individuals. Others argue that it is an individual right guaranteed by the Constitution to own a firearm. It is obvious that the nation does not want guns in the hands of convicted felons; however it is necessary that guns be not confiscated from law-abiding citizens

  • The Machine Gun

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    No other weapon in my opinion has changed the face of the battlefield as has the machine gun. It's design and and association with mass death makes it a great and powerful weapon. Two men, Hiram Maxim and Richard Gatling, made huge impacts in the development of the Machine Gun and bringing it to use in the military. These two brilliant men designed capable and reliable versions of Machine guns in a time when everyone was making unreliable models. However before we get into discussion about the inventions

  • Gun Control

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    Over the last decade, gun control has been one of the hottest political topics nationwide. Those who support gun control believe that stricter gun laws reduce crime, while opponents of gun control believe that firearms are essential for self-defense. Both sides possess passionate views, and are usually unwilling to compromise their beliefs. What exactly is gun control? Gun control is a series of laws that limit the availability and ownership of privately owned firearms. Cliff Stearns, a member

  • Carries A Gun

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    Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun” by Linda Hasselstrom, she explains that many females have to be cautious when they drive on the street, walk to their car, and many times even when they are entering their own house. This is illogical because this means we are no longer safe anywhere we go, including places we expect to be safe. Weapons could be of great use in protecting ourselves but could essentially be really harmful. Being able to carry a gun could be essential for everyone because

  • Paper Guns

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    Guns have been around for many centuries. Why should gun control advocates make stricter laws for people to own a gun now? Quote by Luke Scott reads: “Crime is actually less in places where people own guns. Washington, D.C., is a case in point. It has the strictest gun laws, but who has the highest crime rate in the country? Washington, D.C.”. Many people say that creating stricter gun laws would help in reducing crime and robberies. But people use guns for self-defense against those types of crimes

  • Gun Legislation

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    Roger Verhulst published in 1992. The purpose of this essay is to show how guns can change a person's mind and emotions. Throughout the essay, Verhulst shares personal examples of his beliefs of gun ownership and personal examples of how his life changed once he bought a Crossman Power Master 760 BB Repeater pump gun. After purchasing the gun, he believed that the reason people like guns so much is because of a passion that gun owners feel. He stated, "This is the feeling that explains their passion