Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod Essays

  • The Devil's Hoax Essay

    1981 Words  | 4 Pages

    that God didn’t miraculously place humans in their present form on Earth and that the Bible isn’t the ultimate scientific truth. In this world, science is pitted against religious faith, suggesting neither can exist mutually with the other. The Lutheran church has taken it’s own stance in the controversy, making a muddy splash in a worldly puddle between the real dirt of science and the sanctified Holy waters of faith.

  • The Lutheran Hymnal

    717 Words  | 2 Pages

    words Lutheran Worship. At the bottom of the spine is the logo for the Concordia Publishing House. On the front cover is another cross with a circle behind it and the printed name David Edward Mahen. This is the modern Lutheran Hymnal used by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. This Lutheran Hymnal is not just a symbol of Lutheranism but the moderate views of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. In the Lutheran Hymnal, are principles of Lutheran Theology according to the Missouri Synod. There

  • I Give My Life to God

    2294 Words  | 5 Pages

    when Jesus Christ returns. I was born into the Christian faith, although I did not have a church to call home until I was four years old. My mom was raised in the Catholic Church, my dad was influenced by the Baptist Church, and I was raised in the Lutheran Church; growing up, I have gotten to experience these three different denominations of Christianity. Although I was born into the Christian faith, I stayed by my own choice. I am proud to call myself a Christian! Every denomination of Christianity

  • Creationism for Kids on the Web

    5359 Words  | 11 Pages

    Creationism for Kids on the Web How is it that this age old question of evolution versus creation can turn otherwise friends and colleagues against one another? Much of it has to do with the very fact that we are discussing the matter and how it relates to children. It seems that much of the controversy that is stirred up by this issue revolves around how children will perceive Darwinian “social teachings” or social Darwinism. Will studying evolution corrupt the morals of school-aged children