Two-factor authentication Essays

  • Authentication Essay

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    become a top priority in every organization that makes use of information. Securing digital identities is getting more and more crucial. For authentication the usage of passwords is no longer sufficient because it faces most modern means of attacks and thus stronger authentication schemes are needed. Strong authentication solutions having two identification factors require often an additional device, which could be difficult for the user and costly for the service providers. In order to avoid the use

  • The Pros And Cons Of Data Security

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    Introduction Nowadays, people stores their data in computer rather than in physical objects like paper, this is to ensure their data are durable (usually against damage such as corrosion). These data can also be reproduced easily with a simple step and can be kept for long periods of time. Users can organize files in their own ways, where they themselves will know where their data are kept, thus allowing simplicity to ease of access to data. Given the generality of storing data in the computer,

  • RSA Data Breach

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    IS infrastructure. The Security Division offers a wide range of two-factor authentication solutions to help organizations assure user identities and meet regulatory compliance requirements. The authentication keys come in a variety of forms such as hardware and software authenticators that can be applied to a range of computer devices. RSA SecurID Technology SecurID is based on password and pin, a double layered access authentication principle. This technology is noted to have a more reliable level

  • online banking

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    Jalal Hafidi MIS5206 .001– HDFC case analysis 1 1. What if anything should HDFC do to make existing customers more secure? First of all, all system can be compromised no matter what, impossible means it hasn’t done yet in IT field. HDFC is still fairly new in the market, with the technology trend, online banking will be the most challenging and vulnerable part of the game. HDFC seems to have pretty strong security system and procedures, however, its models still haven’t matured yet leading to maybe

  • E Governance Essay

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    Chapter - 01 Introduction INTRODUCTION 1.1 What is Governance .? Governance is the term which is described as the process by society steers itself. Which is used foo interaction between the public sector and civil sector .government take collective decision for public sector as well as civil. At Initial level the Governance emerged and was applied in the urban context to cope more efficiently with local problem solving. ICT is used in Overall governance process at all level from State to

  • Access Control Policy Research Paper

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    the Access Control Policy. Describe how access control methodologies work to secure information systems 1.1. Authentication Describe how and why authentication credentials are used to identify and control access to files, screens, and systems. Include a discussion of the principles of authentication such as passwords, multifactor authentication, biometrics, and single-sign-on. Authentication credentials are vital to the security of information within an organization. The first thing that needs to be

  • The Vulnerability of Weak Passwords

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    password that easy to crack by a computer or a human, People can use common passwords with no numerals or special characters and no upper case characters which make this much easier for someone to obtain their passwords or personal data. Report Part Two: Description of attack and results Firstly we created 6 user accounts; Leigh1, Leigh2, Leigh3, Leigh4, Leigh5 and Leigh6 through the client windows operating system in the GUI. I gave each user account a weak password so it would not take

  • Cause And Disadvantages Of Firewalls

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    can easily hack and are getting passed firewalls therefore there should be something other than firewalls to protect devices. There are many factors on why a firewall is not an effective way to protect personal information. Every year there are new and more advanced technology being made and used, and firewalls are not up to date or are missing many factors that will not keep up with these new and more advanced technologies which make it so much easier for people to get passed a firewall. For example

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Passwords

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    Abstract—Because of the drawbacks of the text based authentication systems, graphical passwords are the most preferable type of authentication mechanism , where users click on images for the authentication purpose. The main goal of an authentication system is to help users for selecting the better password. If the password is created by the user , then it is easy to guess by an attacker and if the passwords is assigned by the system, then it is difficult for the user to memorize. So modern researches

  • Gf Risk Assessment Paper

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    Vulnerabilities and Solutions 5. Authentication and Data Protection for Mobile Devices 6. Wireless Security, Vulnerabilities, and Mitigations 7. Evaluate the Authentication Protocols in the Networks a. Wired b. Wireless c. Mobility 8. Web System Protocols and Vulnerabilities 9. Web Access 10. Cloud Computing 11. Final Thoughts Background and Purpose Global Finance, Inc.

  • What Is Computer System Security?

    1140 Words  | 3 Pages specialized field in computer system security that involves securing a computer system hardware and software. Security is typically handled by a system administrator who implements the security policy, network software and hardware needed to protect a system and the resources accessed through the network from unauthorized

  • Internal Threats to network security

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    Internal Threats to Network Security The topic of network security is a reoccurring theme in today’s business world. There is an almost unfathomable amount of data generated, transmitted, and stored every day. Unfortunately the media and traditional reporting sources these days typically only focus on outside threats such as hackers. Many people completely overlook the insider threats that are present and can potentially pose and even bigger threat then any outside source. One of the acronyms

  • Comparing E-Mail and the US Postal Service

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    difficulties in using either E-mail or conventional mail. To help decide whether to use E-mail or the United States postal Service, a comparison of each one’s speed, ease of use, reliability, and cost is a helping factor. The speed in which the mail is transported is an important factor in sending mail by either E-mail or the postal system. E-mail easily has the leading edge in this field. With a click of a button, a message can be sent and received in a few seconds to several minutes. Whether you

  • Our Security-Conscious Society

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    1 Introduction In today’s security-conscious society, a reliable, robust and convenient approach for automated user authentication is becoming a strong requirement. Since September 2001 (i.e. World Trade Center blast), public awareness about the need for security has been increased considerably and lead to a massive rise in demand for the personal authentication systems (Wang et al., 2005). Biometrics plays a major role in today’s security applications. A biometric system is essentially

  • Identification And Authentication Examples

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    Identification and Authentication: ID and validation are the most essential in the matter of security. Without both of these then your framework is powerless. The organization need to have somehow of knowing who is in the framework and what they are doing. If you have no possibility to get to knowing then how would you know whether somebody that is not assume to be survey an index is not taking a gander at the document? The response is that you don't have the foggiest idea. At whatever point

  • Transport Layer Security and Secure Shell

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    converse efficiently and to rule out the possibility of any data being captured and in worst cases tampered with. The TLS protocol is composed of two major levels and these are termed the Handshake Protocol and the Record Protocol. The Handshake protocol means that the client and server are able to correspond with one another though only if authentication has been established. Both the client and server can then come to a decision on a particular encryption method before any data can be transmitt

  • Disadvantages Of Biometric Technology

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    Biometric technologies “Biometrics is certainly the most secure form of authentication, it's the hardest to imitate and duplicate." - Avivah Litan By Jacky Mai The term biometrics is comes from the Greek words bio “life” and metrics “measurement”. Biometrics are unique physical characteristics that can be used for automated recognition, this can range from any physical feature on your body including your eyes, nose, face. In 1858, “William Herschel was working for the civil service

  • Essay On Cloud And Grid Computing

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    com-puting three methods are used for authentications: • Secure socket layer authentication • Primary key infrastructure authentication • Mutual authentications To make more efficient security features a method is referred as “Two factor authen-tications using graphical password with pass point scheme”. Two techniques are used in this method: 1. Recognition technique: User name and password is required for this technique and a image is also to be re-quired for authentication which one is selected by the user

  • Bitcoin: The Innovative Future of Currency

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    Bitcoin as a Currency: Bitcoin as a currency represents an innovation in the financial service industry and has tremendous potential of attracting economic benefits. Bitcoin is supported by the Bitcoin Foundation, which is a group of programmers, economists, and enthusiasts who are constantly making efforts to “standardize, protect and promote” Bitcoin. Many startup organizations have supported in favor of the bitcoin as a currency. Startups like BitPay are supporting the growing desire of creating

  • Biometrics

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    or face recognition”. Biometrics has already begun using applications that range from attendance tracking with a time clock to security checkpoints with a large volume of people. The growing field of biometrics has really been put on the map by two things, the technological advances made within the last 20 years, and the growing risk of security and terrorism among people all over the world. In this paper I will focus on: the growing field of biometrics, why it is important to our future, how