Transport Layer Security and Secure Shell

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The fundamental reason why security protocols are implemented in networks is simple – to protect data as it traverses the network. The mechanism associated with protecting data on its travels is called cryptography. This particular mechanism employs algorithms which encrypt data so that hackers are prevented from easily intercepting the data. Cryptography operates in tandem with a group of protocols which help to control the passing of data between network devices. Therefore, security protocols are a vital component in networks in order to increase data security and without them security would be compromised (Linn, 2014).

The main section of the report will give an overview of both protocols in question, followed by a look at the similarities and differences between the protocols including any advantages and disadvantages. The report shall then analyse associated infrastructure requirements and scenarios where both protocols could be implemented.

Main Section

A Brief Overview of TLS and SSH:

TLS (short for Transport Layer Security) was first released in January 1999 and its main focus was to ensure secure data communication. TLS provides the means for a variety of client and server applications to converse efficiently and to rule out the possibility of any data being captured and in worst cases tampered with.

The TLS protocol is composed of two major levels and these are termed the Handshake Protocol and the Record Protocol. The Handshake protocol means that

the client and server are able to correspond with one another though only if authentication has been established. Both the client and server can then come to a decision on a particular encryption method before any data can be transmitt...

... middle of paper ...


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