The proportion of the ingredients i.e. drugs: milk: water is indicated as 1:8:32, unless specifically mentioned otherwise. However, a revered ayurvedic physician Yadavji Trikamji Acharya, suggested a different proportion of ingredients in preparation of ksheerapaka as 1:15:15. [13] Certain formulations with a change in the proportion can be cited, for e.g. in rasona (garlic-Allium sativum Linn.) ksheerapaka indicated in ‘vaataja gulma’ or the vardhaman pippali ksheerapaka used as rasayana formulation
diversity of A. caliginosa and the abundance of A. caliginosa genotypes were significantly influenced by earthworm species richness, but not soil properties and glacial topographic features. In earthworms, RAPD technique has been applied to Lumbricus terrestris (Kautenburger, 2006b) and Aporrectodea spp. (Dyer et al., 1998; Lentzsch and Golldack, 2006).
The Lumbricus Terrestris is the scientific term for the common Earthworm, and is otherwise known in the United States as the Nightcrawler. Earning this name due their habit of not appearing above ground to eat until the dark hours of the day, these segmented worms made up of annuli have the ability to dig six and a half feet deep into the soil. They commonly become seven to eight centimeters in length, and spend a lot of their time eating using their mouth which is located in the first segment of
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