The Walking Dead Essays

  • walking dead

    844 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Walking Dead, a television show about surviving in the zombie world, based on the comic book with the same name created by Robert Kirkman. In this show Rick Grimes, a sheriff's deputy, wakes up from a coma and finds himself in a hospital soon discovering that while he was in a coma the world had become infected thus turning humans into flesh-eating zombies later named Walkers. As Rick sets out to find his family he encounters many other survivors Glenn, Daryl, and Carl Maggie, Carol, Sasha, Hershel

  • The Walking Dead: Character Analysis: The Walking Dead

    883 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Walking Dead Analysis The Walking Dead is a television series based on post-apocalyptic life after a viral infection spread throughout earth allowing zombies to take over almost all of the world. The survivors are left with two choices, fight for their lives or turn into a zombie like the rest. The main protagonist in this television show is Rick Grimes who was a cop before this outbreak. He had been shot and in the hospital to wake up to the chaotic mess that is nothing like he has ever

  • The Walking Dead Analysis

    867 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Walking Dead graphic novel by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore portrays Rick’s journey after a zombie apocalypse. Unlike most zombie literature, this novel focuses on the characters, their emotional journeys, and their underlying nature. The extract selected is in the middle of the graphic novel and begins directly after the women are attacked by zombies while washing clothes. The scene opens with an illustration of the camp at night. Shane is guarding the camp, and Rick comes to speak to him. In

  • Essay On The Walking Dead

    956 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Walking Dead is an American zombie apocalypse horror drama television series developed by film director Frank Darabont. It is based on the comic book series and it is premiered on October 31, 2010, on the cable television channel AMC in the United States of America. It premiered internationally during the first week of Novermber 2010 on Fox International Channels. Based on its success, AMC renewed the series for a 5th season. By this huge popularity, theses series have been well received and

  • Walking Dead Thesis

    806 Words  | 2 Pages

    Refutation Essay In “The Walking Dead and 'Pretty Much Dead Already': A cheap thrill-kill, or new life for the season?” Ken Tucker believes that Shane deserves death a brutal death for what he did to Otis. He goes on to mention that the show has not benefited for its move on the farm. Also, the main characters have developed types in the world they now live in but not in a appreciable way. Another opinion brought to attention is that rick can justify shooting Sophia. Have you ever heard the phrase

  • The Walking Dead Essay

    1421 Words  | 3 Pages

    In “The Walking Dead” a show about the zombie apocalypse, death plays a leading role. But, in its most resent season, the characters are well aware that death is coming for everyone. There's no cure, no goal to be achieved, and no end is in sight for humanity. Other than the ongoing struggle for survival and love still plays a dominating role, all while forever being overwhelmed by the dangers that surround them. “The Walking dead” delivers a deeper message to its viewers who can dissect this show

  • The Walking Dead: An Analysis

    1065 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Walking Dead, a television show about surviving in the zombie world, is based on the comic book with the same name created by Robert Kirkman. In this show Rick Grimes, a sheriff's deputy, awakes from his coma and finds himself in a hospital. He soon discovers that while he was in a coma the world had become infected, turning humans into flesh-eating zombies later called Walkers by the characters. As Rick sets out to find his family he encounters many other survivors such as Glenn, Daryl, Carl

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of The Walking Dead

    1811 Words  | 4 Pages

    Diet of the Living: While facing death in every direction, whether from walkers, physical or mental illness, other people, or even the idea of suicide, the world in which Rick and his group live within is a hardened and cold one. Even as such is true, these people still crave survival and must do so by having food and water inside them and supplies on their back. But what would these people be able to eat as a constant food source you may ask? Well the answer is not a constant one but why not look

  • Walking Dead and Game of Thrones

    1353 Words  | 3 Pages

    The two TV shows which I have chosen for this topic are The Walking dead and Game of thrones. The Walking Dead: The main protagonist in the film is the deputy Sheriff Rick Grimes who has been shot and when he wakes up he finds himself in a post apocalyptic world in which zombies are everywhere. He gets out on a search for his wife and son and reunites with them later. He finds out that there are many survivors just like him who must fight each other and the zombies in order to survive. It is a

  • The Walking Dead: A Semantic Analysis

    708 Words  | 2 Pages

    The hit TV show, The Walking Dead, is a survival horror show that typically airs on AMC during primetime (8-11PM). The show revolves around a group of survivors of the zombie apocalypse. At this point in the show, there is a large group of diverse characters of many different backgrounds all banding together for survival in a post-apocalyptic world. The plot of the show revolves around the events which befall the group as they attempt to survive, ranging from the emotional scarring and battling

  • Creative Writing: The Walking Dead

    514 Words  | 2 Pages

    live for but just then, a cry for help. He sees a man running away from the Walkers yelling for help. Abraham then kills the walkers and then goes back to his knees and killing himself, but the man tells him “I have a very important mission.” The Walking Dead is aimed for teenagers and adults, not younger kids. Some of the screens are gruesome and may give kids nightmares. The main characters in the show are: Rick Grimes (portrayed by Andrew Lincoln), Carl Grimes (portrayed by Chandler Riggs) ,Daryl

  • Character Analysis: The Walking Dead

    992 Words  | 2 Pages

    “The Walking Dead” For the past five years every Sunday at nine o’clock, I have religiously watched the AMC presentation of “The Walking Dead”. Season, after season I have grown more attached, and intrigued with every episode. Since beginning the show in 2010, I have grown accustomed to all the characters. Of course I have my favorites and least favorites, but regardless of the characters it always seems to be the environment that captivates me. “The Walking Dead”, is a show about survival during

  • The Walking Dead Family Structure

    1477 Words  | 3 Pages

    Throughout The Walking Dead Volume 5: “The Best Defense,” the group is faced with very tough situations. Confronted with the chaos-causing bloodthirsty zombies, Rick and the others have to make vital decisions on the fly just to stay alive. However, it is not always the undead that force the humans into uncomfortable places; often it is other headhunting humans that cause this anarchist state. It is obvious their chances of survival are far greater in a group, or family per se, compared to being

  • The Walking Dead Psychoanalytic Analysis

    1015 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Walking Dead series is a TV show that portrays Rick Grimes, a former Sheriff's deputy who was in a coma for several months after being shot. When he awakens he discovers that the world has been taken over by a zombie epidemic of apocalyptic proportions. Believing his the only person alive, he returns home to discover that his wife and son, Carl, were missing. He heads for Atlanta in search for his family. Barely escaping death at the hands of the zombies on arrival in Atlanta he is aided by another

  • Self Control In The Walking Dead

    1845 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Walking Dead is a TV series shown on Sunday nights on the AMC channel. This series is about the way people survive in an apocalyptic world where everyone who dies, comes back to life, not as a person, but as a “walker”. The story begins with Rick Grimes, a sheriff in a small town whom wakes up in a hospital after the apocalypse. Rick’s mission, after the apocalypse, was to find his wife, Lori, and son, Carl, and to keep them safe from harm. Rick and other characters in the story, go through an

  • The Fear Of Xenophobia In Kirkman's The Walking Dead

    1371 Words  | 3 Pages

    Zombies, a particular group of survival horror, are basically dead people who come back to us in an evil way. From novels to Hollywood films, we look like cowards who are repeatedly scared by zombies. How can we still get shocks in this age of scientific society? The answer is that zombies come back with cultural messages in stories, which express our extraordinary fears. Such a horrible story was created by Kirkman, in The Walking Dead he depicted zombies as a horrible metaphor for xenophobia by

  • Dead Man Walking

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    DEAD MAN WALKING Dead Man Walking is a great book that deals with one of our nations most controversial issues: capital punishment. The books narrator, Sister Helen Prejean, discusses her personal views on capital punishment. She was a spiritual advisor and friend to two death row inmates; Elmo Patrick Sonnier and Robert Lee Willie. From her experiences, she developed views on the death penalty. She believed it was morally wrong and spoke openly about it. Sister Helen successfully defends her views

  • Minority Trope Representation in AMC’s The Walking Dead

    2046 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Walking Dead is a television show produced by AMC based off the black and white comic books by Robert Kirkman. The show and comic book center around main character Rick Grimes as he learns to cope with life after waking up from a deadly wound into an outbreak of virus wielding undead creatures known as “walkers.” Over the course of season two and season three, the show starts to center around how Rick is able to command the group of survivors and the challenges they face trying to settle down

  • Dead Man Walking Essay

    862 Words  | 2 Pages

    Can Unconditional Love Actually be Betrayal? Tim Robbin’s film, Dead Man Walking, attempts to appeal to emotion as it presents differing views on the death penalty. The cinematography of this movie, inspired by the non-fiction book by Sister Helen Prejean, is very graphic, yet emotionally moving and thought provoking. It tells the story of a nun, Sister Helen Prejean herself, who takes on the responsibility of assisting a death row inmate, Matthew Poncelet, in his attempt to earn a life sentence

  • The Walking Dead Rick Grimes Character Traits

    1083 Words  | 3 Pages

    Rick Grimes is the protagonist and survivor of the zombie apocalypse in AMC’s hit series “The Walking Dead” produced by Frank Darabont, based on the comics created by writer Robert Kirkman. Rick’s outstanding personality does not go unperceived. As the series progresses, Rick gradually developed from a courteous, earnest, moralistic personal into a hardened, ruthless, somber survivor due to his unstable mentality. Although his personality drastically changes his stubborn, generous, and caring qualities