The Shelter Essays

  • Women Shelter

    793 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Women Shelter The years have passed but the event remained in my heart as though it just happened recently. Unfortunately, couple years ago, I had to run away from my abusive husband. I moved to a women shelter with a lawyer’s help. The women shelter was the only place I thought would give me a hope, support and after all, protections for battered women like me. However, my impression on the shelter changed after I was admitted to it. There were number of reasons for that. I had to share a room

  • Shelters for Abused and Homeless Women

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    VOLUNTEERISM AND ETHICS Shelters for Abused and Homeless Women What to do? The issue of abused and homeless women is one that has recently been brought to the forefront of social issues in Pakistan. Abuse, most often begins after marriage. According to local traditions, once a girl’s baraat (wedding procession) enters the husband’s house, only her janaza (funeral pyre) should leave. Loyalty and devotion to the husband and his family come above every thing else. When family support is pulled away

  • Women Shelter Research Paper

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    The Women Shelter The years have passed, but the event remained in my heart as though it just happened recently. Unfortunately, couple years ago, I had to run away from my abusive husband. I moved to a women’s shelter with a lawyer’s help. The women’s shelter was the only place I thought would give me a hope, support and after all, protections for vulnerable women like me. However, my impression on the shelter changed after I admitted to it. There were a number of reasons for that. First, I had to

  • Gimme shelter Film REview

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    Side” however for originality and empathy there are few if... ... middle of paper ... ...r files. They read out loud the labels other people have put on them and in doing so they take away the power of these labels to define and hurt them. The shelter has many other people with their own lives and issues. One character has oversize glasses and the other has colorful dyed hair in a partially successful attempt to differentiate the background characters. As Apple’s pregnancy progresses they celebrate

  • Gwinnett Child Shelter Essay

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    Currently, the Gwinnett Children 's Shelter houses about thirty kids and teens, ages twelve to nineteen. Unfortunately, the majority of the kids in the shelter have been abused in some way or another and others may have been in the Juvenile Court System before. Each child who is a part of the shelter has the opportunity to meet with a counselor about every two weeks, but almost every time the kids have to meet with a new counselor. The reason being, the shelter currently uses an on-call counseling

  • The Importance of Fallout Shelters

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    A fallout shelter is a shelter that was used in a time of need. From 1947 to 1991, fallout shelters were a big hit during the Cold war. The fallout shelter represents the atomic age and how families got through nuclear attacks. A lot was contributed in the making of these shelters, and they kept families together. Time and effort to keep America safe is what made these shelters important to American History. Not only are the fallout shelters a symbol of the cold war and fear, but it also significantly

  • Animal Shelter Research Paper

    587 Words  | 2 Pages

    Animal Shelters As stated in the article Alarming Facts About Pet Homelessness, lots of animals end up in the animal shelter or the pound. Normally they don’t get out, meaning they die. As sad as it is, there are lots of places that kill animals to make space for new ones. The animals that end up in the shelter or pound, were probably abused or stray. It is actually a good thing to get animals from shelters because other wise they will probably die soon. When I lived in Texas, my family got our

  • Homeless Shelter Case Study

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    The issue with the suggested location of the homeless shelter is that it is too close to businesses, an elementary school and a park. 1000 N. Kraemer Place is not the adequate location for a homeless shelter, there are businesses nearby and a school 1.9 miles away, this is not safe for children walking home from school. If this shelter were to be opened it would result in major chaos with the children’s parents because the parents will not allow their precious jewels to walk home after school. Aside

  • Animal Shelters and the No Kill Movement

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    animals are killed in shelters every year. Of these, roughly 95% of all shelter animals are healthy and treatable. (No Kill Advocacy Center). No animal should have to ever be a part of these awful statistics. What will it take to help save these innocent animals from being killed senselessly? Animal kill shelters are horrible, inhumane, and overall completely unnecessary for multiple reasons: No Kill shelters improve adoption rates, all animals lives are valuable, and No Kill shelters save more money

  • Argumentative Essay On Animal Shelter

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    According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 7.6 million companion pets enter animal shelters across the United States each year, nearly evenly disrupted between dogs and cats . These animals are abandoned for reasons including families no longer being able to care for them (sickness/death of an owner), to families not wanting them (the novelty wearing of the animal wearing off), to the animals being born into puppy mills to finally animals that are loved being lost

  • The Pros And Cons Of Homeless Shelters

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    is a supervised public or private facility (e.g., shelters) that provides temporary living accommodations, and an individual who is a resident in transitional housing.” (National health care for the homeless

  • Essay About Homeless Shelter

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    Dan Millan At the young age of ten, I had the privilege to occupy a homeless shelter that once was a hospital. It had eight floors, an abundance of beg bugs, and probably some ghost too. It made for a lovely haunted house during the month of October and my place of residence for about seven months that year. Looking from the outside in, people sometimes felt sorry for me because I had to live in a homeless shelter. Never would they ever think that is was actually one of the best times of my life

  • Increasing Animal Adoptions at Shelters

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    down, and it was the first pet I had ever lost. My dad wasn’t too keen on me getting a new puppy. We started looking at other dogs and my dad found one that he thought we should get. My parents decided to take me on a surprise trip to the animal shelter to get a better look at the dogs that we wanted to adopt. As we entered the dog room, barks started to echo around us and excited dogs jumped up on their kennels to make sure we saw them. As we got to Mack’s cage, I think his puppy face must have

  • Midnight Shelter Care Case Study

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    these factors.) The homeless clients that Midnight Shelter Care will serve will be affected by all of the preceding factors. Homeless is usually not an acute state of being. Preferably homelessness outcome of compounded context and situations. According to (Lewis, Packard, Lewis, p.26, 2012) “Political trend at national and even international levels have major effects on human service programs”. The homeless clients of Midnights Shelter Care may have experienced financial hardships because no

  • Saving Pets From Death In Shelters

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    on the streets. They seek food and shelter in communities and they are sometimes seen as a nuisance and health hazard by the people who live along them. Research shows that around 2.7 million cats and dogs are put down each year which is approximately one every 11 seconds. Often most of these animals are beloved and adoptable pets. “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself (Josh Billing)”. The main reasons animals end up in shelter is because owners give them up, or

  • The Benefits of Adopting Dogs from Shelters

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    Adopting Dogs From Shelters is Better than Shops People who go into animal shops will fall into guilt by looking into a puppy’s eyes. Seeing how young they are and seeing how they are locked behind a kennel breaks the heart of many customers. However, when customers buy dogs and cats from shelters they aren’t actually helping the animals, they are just falling into the trap of money driven breeders. Adopting dogs from a shelter is better because the customer is saving a dog from being euthanized

  • How to Help Animal Euthanizing in Shelters

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    checked into shelters each year. Out of this 6-8 million, 3-4 million of these animals are euthanized due to the over population of animals. Animal euthanizing in shelters need to come to an end. Shelters are there to help people find their lost pets or give lost pets a new loving home, not to kill healthy animals that still have life left. A few ways to help end this is to make it a law to have animals spayed or neutered, to tax citizens to help fund shelters, or to have no cage shelters that are funded

  • Why Adopt a Shelter or Rescue Dog

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    adopt a homeless animal from a shelter, one must consider what animal is suitable for their lifestyle. Dogs are remarkable creatures that come in all shapes and sizes and have been man’s best friend for over 30,000 years (Stanglin, 2012). Adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue awards many benefits. Shelter and rescue groups offer an array of dogs that vary in size, color, and age; thus, allowing one to adopt a seemly companion. Despite the efforts of animal shelters and rescue groups, “5 million

  • Volunteering at a Homeless Shelter: A Personal Experience

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    My work experience Introduction On the 25th of December 2014, in Taupo, I had volunteered to work at a homeless shelter. While I was there I had got told the procedures on what I was going to do on the job. My duties while working there was, cleaning, cooking, and serving. The idea of the homeless shelter is to meet, feed, and welcome other people that are less fortunate than us on Christmas. Background This event was set up by local people in the area which was held in the town hall every

  • Stop the Killing: Support No Kill Animal Shelters

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    animals are killed in shelters every year. Of these, roughly 95% of all shelter animals are healthy and treatable. (No Kill Advocacy Center). No animal should have to ever be a part of these awful statistics. What will it take to help save these innocent animals from being killed senselessly? Animal kill shelters are horrible, inhumane, and overall completely unnecessary for multiple reasons: No Kill shelters improve adoption rates, all animals lives are valuable, and No Kill shelters save more money