The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy Essays

  • Interest Groups and Foreign Policy

    2848 Words  | 6 Pages

    groups and Foreign Policy Introduction In this paper I am going to compare and contrast how interest groups both internal and external affect the foreign policy of a developing nation and how they affect the foreign policy of a developed state. Foreign policy is a strategy a government uses in dealing with other states. Interest groups or special interest groups are any association of individual or organizations that on the basis of one or more shared concerns, attempt to influence public policy in its

  • Media Manipulation and America's Favoritism of Israel in the Israel-Palestine Conflict

    4101 Words  | 9 Pages

    and parted. I often find American news coverage, TV and newspapers alike, being bias, especially those covering problems in the Israeli/Palestine conflict. It seems as if I am watching two different wars. In America I am watching a stronghold power, Israel, fighting the endless terrorism brought by Palestinians. In Europe I see a war between two nations in despair thoroughly trying to fight terror from both sides of the conflict. I consistently find myself questioning American newspapers, as they use

  • The United States' Direct Aid to Israel

    719 Words  | 2 Pages

    the U.S has provided consistent and unparalleled support to Israel. Since the world war II, Israel has been receiving the largest amount of U.S. military and economic aid. The United States gives a subsidy of about $500 (per each Israeli) each year. Israel received about $3.7 billion in direct aid from the United States in 2003. It receives this entire amount at the start of every fiscal year while all other countries receive their aid money in quarterly installments each year, and so, Israel earns

  • The Ethics of Gun Control

    1769 Words  | 4 Pages

    defined as policies enacted by the government that limit the legal rights of gun owners to own, carry, or use firearms, with the intent of reducing gun crimes such as murder, armed robbery, aggravated rape, and the like. So defined, gun control understandably brings favorable responses from some, and angry objections from others. The gun control debate is generally publicized because of the efforts of the Pro-Gun Lobby or the Anti-Gun Lobby. The best known of the Pro-Gun Lobby is the NRA

  • Zionism Essay

    2674 Words  | 6 Pages

    years. When Jews speak fondly of “Eretz Israel,” the Land of Israel, they are not referring to the contemporary political borders of the state of Israel, but rather nostalgically to the hallowed place of their origin, which is more or less located within the same geography. It is from Eretz Israel that the Temple was destroyed and the Jewish people were expelled by the Babylonians in the 6th century BCE, never to reclaim their homeland. The State of Israel, and its backing concept of Zionism, the

  • Iran and United States Relations

    2223 Words  | 5 Pages

    2005. Print. Hunter, Shireen. Iran's foreign policy in the post-Soviet era: resisting the new international order. California: ABC-CLIO. 2010. Print. Lindsay, James M & Takeyh, Ray, Bombs, Nuclear weapons, Foreign policy, Terrorism, Militia groups. New York: Routledge. 2008. Print. Merrills, J.G. International Dispute Settlement. England: Cambridge University Press, 2011.Print. Stephen ,M. International relations. One world many theories. Foreign Policy; spring 1998; 110; Research Library. Tickner