The Dark Is Rising Sequence Essays

  • Why The Dark Is Rising Be Banned

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    The book “The Dark Is Rising” has been challenged to be banned from the American Canyon Middle School. The Dark Is Rising has won Five series contemporary fantasy novels for older children and young adults. The Dark is Rising is a good fantasy book for people to read because it has a lot of good action from the characters. The character “Will” needs to go on six magical signs. The Dark Is Rising is a great book to read. People should read the book if they like action and fantasy. In my opinion “The

  • Susan Cooper

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    further novel, the autobiographical Dawn of Fear published in 1970, was written before continuing the Dark Is Rising series. Dawn of Fear is a solitary, looking at the experience of living in war-time Britain through the eyes of a child. The book is almost totally autobiographical except for the fact, as the author herself states, "I turned myself into a boy". It is, however The Dark Is Rising series which is synonymous with the name Susan Cooper. The first in the series, Over Sea, Under Stone

  • The Fusion of Content and Form in Sonnet 29

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    human sensibility for argument based on complication and resolution. In the last decade of the sixteenth century, sonnet writing became highly fashionable following the publication of Sir Philip Sydney’s sonnet sequence Astrophel and Stella, published in 1591. Sonnet sequences were widely read and admired at this time, circulated about the court, and read among friends and writers. Shakespeare took up this trend, adapting his considerable talent to the prevailing literary mode while writing

  • War Film Analysis: Apocalypse Now Directed by Ford Coppola

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    this film and he succeeded with the perfect use of sound and editing in the ending sequence of his film. I will demonstrate how Coppola exploits a wide array of sound and editing to create suspense, intensity, and anxiety in the sequence to affect the audience’s emotions, using diegetic ambient sound effects, non-diegetic music, voice over and four editing types. First of all, the audio is used brilliantly in the sequence. Sound is one of the most powerful tools in cinema. Sound cues us to form expectation

  • Metropolis: An Influential Film Masterpiece

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    world of the city. The most recent re-issue includes a soundtrack that is a re-re... ... middle of paper ... the film to other works of Fritz Lang. Lang often uses the mob as a sense of society in his films. The importance of the mob rising above obstacles to seek justice is an important factor in the moral of his tales. Another possible way to compare the film is to look at other films of the time such as Nosferatu and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. By comparing this film to the other

  • Beethoven Fifth Symphony Essay

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    horns, trumpets and timpani. The rhythms differ by movement beginning with Allegro con brio, followed by Adante con moto, Scherzo Allegro and Allegro. The first movement is in Allegro con brio. The motive are the four basic notes in descending sequence repeated twice. The first theme grows from the repeating motive followed by a cadence and pause. The violins beginning an ascending patter by alternating with the cellos and basses. Leading to the climax of pitch and dynamic with two chords followed

  • Rabbit Proof Fence Chapter 7 Summary

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    Chapter 9 (Barrels Out of Bond) Problems: The elves have captured the dwarves and considering it’s quite dark it will be pretty hard to save his friends. (p.157) Direct quote: “‘I am like a burglar that can’t get away, but must go on miserably burgling the same house day after day,’ he thought.” (p.161) Solution: Bilbo came upon a genius plan, in which he

  • Erotic Objectification: Equally Degrading

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    In her essay “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”, Laura Mulvey discusses the subject of how female characters, through various methods, are subjected to erotic objectification, by both the characters on screen as well as the spectators within the auditorium. While Mulvey makes an excellent point in acknowledging female’s exposure in cinema, she fails to realize that male characters are just as likely to be subjected to the same kind of objectification, depending on what type of audience the motion

  • Movie Story Analysis

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    Movies are one of the innumerable varieties of media that are utilized to display information. They might be exercised for numerous purposes depending on their designated audience. Regardless of the genre, all films must employ some organizational structure. Specifically, when evaluating all genres under the topic of fiction, there are vital parts that must be incorporated in order for that particular story to be successful. Although it may appear that there are a great deal of components to composing

  • The Dark Knight: Brilliant Movie that Sets a New Standard in the Superhero Film Genre

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    Christopher Nolan puts Gotham City under a completely new perspective in The Dark Knight, the thrilling second instalment of his superb reinvention of the superhero franchise. Gotham has returned to a state of fraudulence and criminality. Crime lurks at every corner. People are terrified to go out at night. Citizens are relying on Batman to sort out their problems. However, crime continues through secret organizations. And a rising criminal mastermind is set to thrust Gotham into chaos. Soon the people

  • Analysis of the Opening Sequences of John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978) and Wes Craven’s Scream (1996)

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    Analysis of the Opening Sequences of John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978) and Wes Craven’s Scream (1996) I’ am going to analyse the opening sequence of Halloween (1978) and Scream (1996). I will be accounting for the differences and similarities between the two films. To do this successfully, I will be looking at the films’ characters, narratives, film language, organization and ideology and target audience. In the opening of ‘Halloween’ Michael Myer’s sister was represented as passive because

  • Comparing Dantikat's A Wall of Fire Rising and Moore's V for Vendetta

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    strong-minded. These people have become weak and obedient, easily bent to the will of their oppressive government. The world that these words have conjured up in your mind is the same existence that the characters occupy in Edwidge Danticat’s “A Wall of Fire Rising” and Alan Moore’s “V” for Vendetta. Danticat’s story is about a small family living in present-day Haiti with their small, ambitious son. The country is a mish-mash of people amassing obscene fortune while the rest scrape at the bottom of the proverbial

  • Melodrama In The Film 'The Birds'

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    ultimately the birds do end up rising over them. Even though they are not humans, the birds’ position in the movie still remains clear, based on their sudden attacks against the town of Bodega Bay. Most of the action happens during the daytime, in which the aesthetic brings some sort of a combination of terror and a colorfully rich melodrama that evokes Douglas Sirk-directed movies. However, the final scene where the main characters quietly move out of the house is in a dark aesthetic, just in the brink

  • Benefit of Metagenomics

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    from environments are being evaluated en masse and then identified successfully using 16S RNA sequence and phylogentic analysis (2). This new method of analysis presents to the world of microbiology not only vast room for expansion, but room for even greater medical and scientific advancements as well. The need for new procedures was an evident one given the quick accumulation of evidence and the rising concern for the presence of what are being called unculturable microorganisms (any organisms that

  • The Effects of Climate Change on Ancient Civilizations

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    data has also been connected to the demise of many civilizations such as: the Argaric culture, and the Roman Empire. For example, during times of warm, wet summers during the Roman Empire,... ... middle of paper ... ...struction to society. With rising sea levels, heat waves, desertification, and disease outbreaks, the world will soon face an early ending. Conclusion In conclusion, climate change can be linked to times of prosperity and demise. Plenty of studies show that the changes in the climate

  • An Analysis of Wilbur's Mayflies

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    but easily overlooked piece of nature'in this case, a cloud of mayflies spotted in a 'sombre forest'(l.1) rising over 'unseen pools'(l.2),'made surprisingly attractive and meaningful by the speaker's special scrutiny of it.  The ultimate attraction of Wilbur's mayflies would appear to be the meaning he finds in them.  This seems to be an unremittingly positive poem, even as it glimpses the dark subjects of human isolation and mortality, perhaps especially as it glimpses these subjects.   In this way

  • Early Memories on Reading

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    nurse, putting Band-Aids on everyone in sight. The book originally came with a set of real Band-Aids, but by the time the book made it to me from two older sisters, the Band-Aids were long gone. What did I read? I had a huge book of fairy tales with dark and strange illustrations, all browns and golds, which I read over and over. Mr Widdle and the Sea Breeze by Jo Ann Stover Mr. Pudgins by Ruth Christoffer ... ... middle of paper ... ...own habitats and societies is like reading about an alien

  • Life is But a Floating Bridge

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    Narrative pieces often portray life as an acute up and down rollercoaster ride, with extreme moments of happiness and pain occurring in sequence. However, human nature and experience can more accurately be denoted as a constant slow shift between states and emotions. This leads to a consistent feeling of uncertainty to varying degrees, a state that Alice Munro masterfully portrays in the short story “Floating Bridge.” The structure of “Floating Bridge” serves to mirror, both through its content and

  • Analysis Of Tadao Ando's Architecture Of Light

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    across the opposite dark sanctuary with the motion of the sun. Church on the Water His Church on the Water shows the importance of water in his works. In this chapel, sited among wooded hills, visitors first enter a fully-glazed cubical room, then go down through a darkened, curved stairway into the sanctuary. The chapel opens to a dramatic vista of a cross rising from the surface of a serene lake. As with the Church of Light, Ando uses the dramatic juxtaposition of dark passageways with an unexpected

  • Contemporary Dance: A Style Of Dance In Contemporary Dance

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    successfully made Michael’s piece world famous, now regarded as an effective example of contemporary dance. The stretching all over Kayla’s body by Kapono’s hands demonstrate sharp precise movements that are normally seen in this style of dance. This sequence of actions begins at 1:54minutes and ends at approximately 2:02minutes. The dancers are seen standing centre stage, facing towards the middle of the audience in a right diagonal. Male dancer Kupono is in a diagonal stance behind female dancer Kayla