The Darjeeling Limited Essays

  • Darjeeling Tea Case Study

    663 Words  | 2 Pages

    The name ‘Darjeeling Tea’ is tantamount to one of the finest tea produced in the world. Known for its characteristic quality and colour, it refers to tea which has been cultivated, grown, produced, manufactured and processed in the designated 87 tea gardens in the district of Darjeeling in West Bengal. It is said that Darjeeling tea developed around 1840 after Dr. Campbell planted tea seeds in his garden at Beechwood, Darjeeling, 7000 ft above sea level as an experiment. In order to ensure the reputation

  • World-building: Substance Meets Style in the Films of Wes Anderson

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    With his down-the-rabbit-hole approach to design and obsessive attention to detail, Wes Anderson, writer, director and auteur, is best known for his highly stylized movies. His extremely visual, nostalgic worlds give meaning to the stories in his films, contrary to popular critical beliefs that he values style over substance. Through an analysis of his work, I plan to show that design can instead, give substance to style. Wes Anderson started making Super 8 films and writing plays during his childhood

  • Tata Tea Case Study

    2179 Words  | 5 Pages

    THE INDIAN TEA INDUSTRY India is one of the world's leading producers of tea - 23 per cent share by volume in 2013. The main growing regions lie in Northeast India, including Assam, the Darjeeling district and the Dooars region of North Bengal, and in the Nilgiris in South India. The tea industry is one of the oldest organized industries in India with a large network of tea producers, retailers, distributors, auctioneers, exporters and packers. Total tea production in the world has

  • Analysis Of Chanel's And Louis Vuitton

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    2014 over 100 years after creation of monogram Louis Vuitton invited six artists to put a modern twist on logo in a new project titled ‘The Icon and the Iconoclasts: A Celebration of Monogram’ for the brand’s 160th birthday. The aim was to create limited edition of accesories and bags using of course famous monogram canvas print. New creative director Nicolas Ghesquière comments “blur the lines between fashion, art, architecture and product design.” On consumers may see

  • Who Is Wes Anderson An Auteur Director?

    1153 Words  | 3 Pages

    and privileged as “the rich boys” (Murray, B., Rushmore, 1998). Many of the recurring themes in Anderson’s films are inspired by the director’s own life. His parents got divorced when he was young (a plot point in The Royal Tenenbaums and The Darjeeling Limited), he misbehaved in school to cope with problems at home (this inspired Moonrise Kingdom, The Royal Tenenbaums and Rushmore), he attended private school (part of Rushmore was actually shot at the school Anderson attended), and at school Anderson

  • Red Pigment Of Cinnabar

    1340 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cinnabar, also known as vermillion, is a bright red pigment made of the Cinnabar mineral which is chemically a mercury sulphide compound. Cinnabar (HgS), main ore of mercury is crushed and ground to powder which serves directly as a pigment. The ore is found in Central India. Red Ochre (Geru) Red Ochre (Geru in Hindi) is a pigment abundantly used in Indian paintings. Its deposits are found in almost all parts of India. The colour of red ochre is not as bright as that of Cinnabar but it

  • Mother Teresa: The Saint of Calcutta

    2232 Words  | 5 Pages

    “Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.” Mother Teresa was the type of lady who always had a smile on her face and she would never let anything ruin her mood. Mother Teresa was a “saint” in Calcutta. Mother Teresa, who’s native name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, wasn’t always the person who helped others. She lived a different lifestyle before she became such a saint. Keep in mind, Calcutta was not particularly the best place to live at the time of Mother

  • History Of Wes Anderson

    1614 Words  | 4 Pages

    Casalini 1 Tyler C. Casalini Mr. David Heck AP English 11 23 April 2014 AP English Research Paper – Rough Draft Since the late 1890’s films have been constantly changing the history of pop culture and the way people view war, politics, and the world as a whole. As the timeline of the history of film progressed, there were many different phases: gothic noir, slapstick comedy, tragedy vs. love, romance, and many more. Towards the more recent times, the central ideas of films started drifting to the

  • Indian Reality Shows

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    NOTE: Kunal Ganjawala, Sunidhi Chauhan, Shreya Ghosal and Debojit people are some of the TV reality show successful discoveries. It 's just this show, the teahouse owner, Sunil friends, laughter became a champion and PRASHANT, because sepoy from Darjeeling, became the third Indian For example, Rahul Dulhania Le Jaayega, reality show on NDTV Imagine, managed to secure the 5.6 rating points (TRP) in the concluding episode. Although these programs are high investment, they have become an important genre

  • Mother Teresa's Lifetime of Dedication to the Poor

    1250 Words  | 3 Pages

    tuberculosis. Her illness caused her to go to the town of Darjeeling to convalesce. While there, she experienced the call of God. God told Mother Teresa to give up all that she had and follow God into the slums and serve among the poorest of people. (Vardey, 15) Two years later, she received the permission of her superiors to leave the school and devote her time to working with the poor as God had instructed her. Despite very limited fund... ... middle of paper ... ... well. Mother Teresa

  • Role of Colonial PResence in Indian Tea Plantion Industry in Assam and Darjeeling

    2073 Words  | 5 Pages

    ROLE OF COLONIAL PRESENCE IN INDIAN TEA PLANTATION INDUSTRY IN ASSAM AND DARJEELING The William Pitts India Act of 1784 gave the crown the power of guiding the politics of India with as little means of corrupt influence as possible, which in effect established a concrete link between the doings of the East India Company and the approval of the Royal Government, Because East India Company’s products were seen as “necessary” returns for public funds and trust put into the joint stock, the parliament

  • Bollywood's Popular Culture in the South Asian Diaspora

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    Bollywood's Popular Culture in the South Asian Diaspora The centre of the Indian movie industry is in the Indian city known as Bombay, which has since been renamed Mumbai. Owing to the industrial resemblance with the American movie city Hollywood, the Indian movie industry came to be known as Bollywood. Bollywood is now an industry of massive proportions, and far from simply producing cinema; it is also closely interwoven with industries concerned with music, clothes, magazines, DVDs,

  • Intellectual Property in Singapore

    3306 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction to Intellectual property and various property laws in Singapore First of all, the definition of Intellectual property refers to the creation of mind, such as literary and artistic works, inventions, designs, names, symbols, logos and even images used in industries. Some example of Intellectual property are that business owners, they are given exclusive rights for the use of their trademark or even their identity, logo, which were originally established by them. Even for creative artistes

  • Tibetan Thanka Paintings

    4378 Words  | 9 Pages

    Tibetan Thanka Paintings Tibet, with its isolated, harsh geographical location and history of political and social remoteness would seem an unlikely place to provide a “cradle for creative art” (Bailey 22). Yet it is in this desolate section of the world that one of the most intriguing artistic cultures has been cultivating over hundreds of centuries. One facet of what makes Tibetan art so unique and interesting is its interdependency on its religious beliefs. In Tibet one might use the words