Teens Essays

  • Teens and Sex - Teen Pregnancy

    1279 Words  | 3 Pages

    Teen Pregnancy Before we venture into the controversial aspects of teen pregnancy, I think that it is imortant to answer a vital question brought up by one of our classmates. This question addresses how teen pregnancy has evolved and how times have changed to bring upon such a serious issue. To begin answering this question we must take a look back in time to the roles of women and men in our society. Teen pregnancy is not just a rare virus that has recently sprung up and will someday dissapear

  • Bereavement in Teens

    1023 Words  | 3 Pages

    friend, or relative dies, teens feel the overwhelming loss of someone who helped shape their -fragile self-identities. Caring adults, whether parents, teachers, counselors or friends, can help teens during this time. If adults are open, honest and loving, experiencing the loss of someone loved can be a chance for young people to learn about both the joy and pain that comes from caring deeply for others. There are many common reactions to trauma, grief, and bereavement among teens. First of all, shock

  • Church and Teens

    649 Words  | 2 Pages

    many teens that see going to church as an inconvenience, but why do we look at it that way? Could it be because we don’t understand the concept? Maybe it’s because we think Sunday is our “sleep day” to catch up on the loss of sleep from the rest of the week. There are a lot of teens that enjoy church because they understand the concept, or because that is the only place they feel that they can be themselves. I can honestly say that I have been on both sides of this spectrum. I was once a teen who

  • Teen Workers

    844 Words  | 2 Pages

    Teen Workers Fifteen years old and working seems to be becoming a norm and in fact there are many teenagers younger than fifteen who are already working at paying jobs. Some of these students are as young as 12 years old. More than half of the secondary school students have paying jobs. This number grows each grade level the student goes up. The number of hours also rises along with the grade level. The kind of job varies depending on the sex of the child. Boys tend to deliver newspapers and girls

  • Christian Teens

    1930 Words  | 4 Pages

    Teens reflect a culture all of their own within American society. The language that they speak, music that they listen to, and many aspects of their lives differ from that of past generations (Linehan 3). Therefore, many people of older generations tend to make judgments and assumptions about teenagers. These assumptions are typically based on the manner in which teenagers speak, dress, and present themselves. Because of these generalizations, faith of many teens is commonly overlooked. In a society

  • Teens And The Media

    834 Words  | 2 Pages

    Portrayal of Teens in the Media The media, that giant intimidating creation has taken the stereotypes of teens, the way people view teens, and the way we view ourselves, and has turned it into a delusional monster. The media at this point in time portrays teenagers as generally bad. Well to be honest, not generally bad, but mostly horrible. We are seen as the cause for alarm and trouble in society. The media portrays us as manic delinquents with no solid past and no concrete future. The main points

  • Teen Driving

    1084 Words  | 3 Pages

    Teen Driving Getting the License Many of today’s teens can’t wait to get that piece of paper with the cheap plastic on top, saying they are newly licensed drivers. But in New Jersey that’s going to be a little harder, since January 1, 2001 NJ has put into affect the new Graduated Driver License Program (GDL). The GDL is a program that teens and first-time drivers must complete to get their unrestricted license. This program was designed to lower the number of driving fatalities among teens

  • Teen Alcatraz

    927 Words  | 2 Pages

    Teen Alcatraz It was the year 1999, I was a reckless little 13 year old. I had been in and out of foster care for years. I had been adopted at 7 years old by a senile 50 year old single woman. She treated my foster siblings and I like we were trash. She was basically the wicked witch from the west. She used us and abused us; she treated us like her personal slaves. I had decided that I could not go on living like this, and I was running away and I would never return that house again. One cold

  • Teen People Magazine

    1104 Words  | 3 Pages

    Teen People Magazine The Teen People, September edition, is a magazine designed to appeal to young female readers. Its content features well known celebrities, use of bright and flashy colors, and an organized layout that attracts an upbeat, young readership interested in high-quality appearance and style. Although the magazine’s main focus may appear to insure a great fashion sense, it also concentrates on a philosophical orientation by covering a more diverse readership that includes all colors

  • Club Drugs and Teens

    2247 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction In today’s society, teens are a common target of anti-drug campaigns and government advertisements. The goal of these campaigns is to make teens and young adults aware of the dangers associated with drug use. While these campaigns are generally effective, teens are still greatly tempted by the dangerous, exciting, and fast-paced world of club drugs. Despite the information they are constantly receiving from their teachers, parents, and government media, some teenagers will still adamantly

  • Teen Drug Abuse

    736 Words  | 2 Pages

    Adolescents abuse illegal drugs for several reasons. If a teen is abusing drugs, your family is no different from many other families today. The question some may ask themselves is, “Why does a child do drugs?” This research paper will explain some of the reasons adolescents abuse drugs. Parents cannot blame themselves for all of a teen’s actions. Two major reasons for adolescents abusing illegal drugs are peer pressure and depression. These concepts will be expanded upon in detail in this paper

  • Internet Pornography and Teens

    692 Words  | 2 Pages

    Internet Pornography and Teens This essay discusses the social impact of exposing teens to internet pornography. In a report, "Generation Rx.com: How Young People Use the Internet for Health Information," the Kaiser Family Foundation says that seventy (70%) of teenagers (defined as ages 15-17) "have accidentally come across pornography on the Web." Fifty-seven percent of the teens said "being exposed to pornography would have serious impact on kids under 18," while 41% teens responded that such

  • Teen Curfews are NOT Necessary

    781 Words  | 2 Pages

    Teen Curfews are NOT Necessary “In one study the average adult surmised that teens amount for forty-three percent of all violent crimes, when in reality the number is only a mere thirteen percent, and this number is made up of only half a percent of minors.” (Stoup, Page 1) Teenagers should not be forced to follow a ridged time schedule because of a curfew. Curfews severely reduce the amount of time that minors have to do things like youth events or church groups. Some people believe that youth

  • Depression in America's Teens

    2855 Words  | 6 Pages

    Depression in America's Teens Teenage Depression. Everywhere you look these two words appear together as one, in newspapers and magazines, as well as in scholarly reports. Teenage depression is one of today's "hot topics" this among other teenage mental health problems, has been brought to the forefront of public consciousness in recent years after several incidents involving school shootings (CQ 595). The environment that teens grow up in today is less supportive and more demanding than

  • Lesbian and Gay Teens

    1047 Words  | 3 Pages

    house at age 14 or 15 when a homophobic parent does find out. This leaves them with nowhere to turn. Sometimes, what makes it so especially hard for gay teens is the very thing that protects them, their invisibility. For example, the lesbian, gay or bisexual te... ... middle of paper ... ...on and independence occur then. Homosexual teen suicide, discrimination from all areas of life, and misunderstanding of homosexuality, both from the heterosexual community and from the homosexual youth

  • Teen Romanance is Not Smart

    996 Words  | 2 Pages

    Teen Romanance is Not Smart Do teenagers today have their priorities in the correct order when it comes to dating?  More and more often, it does not seem they do.  Some teenagers these days spend too much time focusing on their "romantic" relationships instead of the things that should be more important.  Teenagers who are in serious relationships do not care as much about school, their families, or their jobs.  These teenagers seem to forget everything that should be important to them

  • Teen Smoking

    531 Words  | 2 Pages

    One of the largest issues today is adolescent smoking. According to a heath based website, nearly 90% of adult smokers start while they are still teens and they never intend to get hooked. They may start by bumming a cigarette or two from a friend at a party, and then go on to buying an occasional pack. Soon they realize that they can't go without that pack. They've gotten used to reaching for a cigarette first thing in the morning, after meals, or during any stressful time. They become addicted

  • Teens Choice to Drink

    1043 Words  | 3 Pages

    Article Summery Beyond Invulnerability: The Importance of Benefits in Adolescents’ Decision to Drink Alcohol Introduction: Many things affect the choice of an adolescent to drink alcohol. It is thought that this particular age group thinks that they are not vulnerable to the risks involved with drinking alcohol. Studies in this area have resulted in mixed conclusions; some support the idea of adolescent invulnerability others do not. Intervention programs seem to work better if they are aimed at

  • Teen Marriage

    1468 Words  | 3 Pages

    Teen Marriage What is marriage? Marriage is “the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family” (Marriage 729). The fact is, marriage, to most of society, is something much more than that. To some, marriage is the uniting of their souls; to others, it is merely an escape from their fear, their pain, and their agony. The sad truth about it is that many of those marriages will end in divorce. So

  • Teen Smoking

    1732 Words  | 4 Pages

    Teen Smoking Teen smoking. Those two words mean a lot of things to a lot of different people. To some it means nothing. They are just two meaningless words found under T and S in the dictionary. To others it is as if these words symbolize some sort of treason or crime against society. Yet to others it is just another stereotype to be placed under. And to some it is a salvation. An escape. Unfortunately I am writing this paper so you will get my positions on teen smoking rather than other peoples