Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story Essays

  • Superstar The Karen Carpenter Story Analysis

    1567 Words  | 4 Pages

    Todd Haynes' Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story is a bold, provocative film. Using elements of drama, horror, biopic, documentary, and dark comedy, the film tells the story of Karen Carpenter, a popular singer who struggled with anorexia. Superstar features a constant, running critique of contemporary American society's views on feminism and commodity. In the film, Karen's femininity is tied to her own consumption of commodities, but also becomes a commodity of its own. Scholar Kristen Ross notes

  • Media Portrayal of Female and Male Body Image

    3532 Words  | 8 Pages

    to cause this change? Why are women and now men under constant scrutiny to be the ideal body weight? Does the media and extensive television viewing cause eating disorders? Calista Flockhart, who is 5-foot-5 and a reported 102 pounds, is a superstar under constant scrutiny for her thin body frame. She is also the lead in a popular television series, Ally McBeal. Constantly, reporters hassle her for "not having enough meat on her bones" as reported by Mr. Flockhart has denied