Stan and Jan Berenstain Essays

  • The Berenstain Bear And Nelson Mandela's Death

    622 Words  | 2 Pages

    the mysteries of “The Berenstain Bears” and Nelson Mandela’s death, two ideas that are very relevant right now. The Mandela effect thrives on the unknown, however the theory has a solid foundation of background information. The Mandela Effect is the mass misremembering of times, dates, events in history, movie lines, etc., that many people experience alike; often strangers (Emery). The Mandela Effect has been occurring for decades

  • The Mandela Effect Is A Conspiracy

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    why it was made. A really big part of the Mandela Effect is the examples that go with it. One of the examples is the Berenstain Bears, yes you read that right. If you had to take a double take then you probably are experiencing the Mandela effect. Berenstain Bears is a popular children’s books, but the weird thing about this theory is that thousands of Americans remember Berenstain Bears actually being spelled Berenstein Bears. People remember being spelled with an e instead of a. Knowyourmeme

  • The Mandela Effect: Where Did It Come From?

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    It is a known fact that there are some pretty amazing occurrences that go on in this world. Miracles, and space travel, and future technologies all give to the obstacles that we, as mankind, have overcome(SC4). Today there are so many phenomena that happen every day (BE3). A viral phenomenon has spread across the nation that gives people the illusion of remembering an event that never happened, or something changed without anyone noticing. The Mandela Effect is what this is. Where did this idea

  • Understanding The Mandela Effect: Memory or Reality?

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    On August 23rd, 2012, a post titled : “Berenstein Bears We Are Living in Our Own Parallel Universe” was published on the blog The Wood Between Worlds, which described a widespread memory of the children’s book series Berenstein Bears as “Berenstain,” explaining the false memory as the result of an alternate reality spilling over into our own. In December 2013, the /r/mandelaeffect subreddit was launched for further discussions about the phenomenon. On November 29th, 2014, the YouTube channel

  • Cousin Bears Go To School Book Report

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    The Berenstain Bears Go To School is a children's book about the importance of school and how it can actually be enjoyable. In the story the main characters are Mama bear who is kind, compassionate and loving. Papa Bear who is the breadwinner in the family. Then they’re Brother Bear and Sister Bear, Brother Bear is the older of the two and he is often times outgoing and excited, while Sister Bear is shy and more reserved. At the beginning of the story summer is coming to a close and school is on

  • Media Analysis of Gender

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    shows another side to it: that our male dominated society has no room for a strong, independent woman as exemplified by Lisa Lionheart, and wants to keep the status quo of women playing the more subservient role. Works Cited Stan, B., & Jan, B., 1986. The Berenstain Bears: No Girls Allowed. New York: Random House. Lynch, B., Oakley, B., & Weinstein, J. (Director/Writer). (1994, February 17). Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy [Television series episode]. Kuwahara, J., Price, M., & Thacker, J. (Executive

  • Environmentalism In Children Literature Essay

    2805 Words  | 6 Pages

    Molly Gutelius ENG 218 Professor Peterson 4/29/2014 Annotated Bibliography Final Project Environmentalism in Children’s Literature My subject for the final project is environmentalism in children’s literature. I was very interested in researching this topic because I am an environmental science major, and have never really thought about it as a topic in children’s books. Going into this project I did not know what to expect, whether I would find a lot of options, or if it would be somewhat difficult