Socialist-Revolutionary Party Essays

  • Poor Living and Working Conditions as the Reason for Bolsheviks' Seizure of Power in 1917

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    seizure of power would not have occurred had conditions not been so bad, however if this was the most important reason, the seizure would have occurred sooner. The provisional government was led by, Alexander Kerensky, leader of social Revolutionary Party. Kerensky introduced many reforms e.g. freedom of speech and universal suffrage. Many of these reforms were popular. When the provisional government came into power a lot of things started to go wrong. Inflation grew worse and prices were

  • United States Foreign Policy Following World War II

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    caused the United States and Britain to ignore Stalin’s wish of taking a hard line with Germany in settlement talks. The Soviets formed the Socialist Unity party in East Berlin and effectively gained control of East Germany. Though this had a lot to do with the fact that the European people were increasingly tired and lacked the energy to fight a growing Socialist party line, another major factor was that there were enough citizens in this area and in “other Soviet-dominated countries who believed communism

  • Somalia vs United States

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    Economy"). Before the war, Somalia had a well-functioning democratic republic government. Under the 1979 Constitution, the president held executive power. The president was the head and leader of the country’s sole legal political party, The Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party. Elected to serve a 7-year term, the president was nominated by the party’s central committee. Ever since the civil war in 1991, when the government collapsed, Somalia has been in a state of civil war and anarchy (“Somalian Government”)

  • Benito Mussolini's Rise and Fall to Power

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    impact on World War II. He wasn't always a powerful dictator though. At first he was a school teacher and a socialist journalist. He later married Rachele Guide and had 5 children. He was the editor of the Avanti, which was a socialist party newspaper in Milan. Benito Mussolini founded the Fasci di Combattimento on March of 1919. "This was a nationalistic, anti liberal, and anti socialist movement. This movement attracted mainly the lower middle class."1 Fascism was spreading across Europe. Mussolini

  • Ralph Ellison Essay

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    accomplished man who had served in the military overseas and then lived in Oklahoma City and worked in construction. He started his own ice and coal business. Ellison's mother, Ida Millsap Ellison, was a political activist who campaigned for the Socialist Party and was arrested several times for violating the segregation orders. At the time of Ellison's birth, Oklahoma had not been a state very long and was still considered a part of the frontier. Lewis and Ida had each grown up in the South to parents

  • Policy Memo on Recent French Public Opinion Polls

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    opinion polls. Mr. President, The National Front (aka. Front National, FN) is Frances largest far-right party. In France's 2002 presidential elections, they surprised that nation by coming in second to Jaque Chirac (RPR party.) This was a surprise because polling at the time indicated that the first round would result in the second round being between Chirac and Jospin (Socialist Party.) This election in 2002 was monumental for France, and perhaps indicative of a larger trend for the country

  • Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime And Punishment

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    if someone commit’s a crime they will face punishment of some kind. Section 2: Author The author Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote his book Crime and Punishment from life experiences. He for example spent some a long time in prison for being part of a socialist party. He changed his views later on and it shows in some of his other characters. Dostoevsky was very poor and suffered from epilepsy. His main character Raskolnikov is suffers a lot like Dostoevsky did. Section 3: Setting The setting of the book

  • The Power of Upton Sinclair and The Jungle

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    nineteen hundreds (Literature 572). He attempted to show his idea of the solution to this problems of the times: socialism. At the time Sinclair wrote, communism was not yet around, so the anti-socialistic fears were not yet aroused. The socialist party, to which Sinclair belonged since he was twenty-four, was moderately popular in certain areas (Literature 572). The American people were, in a way, open to the suggestion. As the title proposes, the novels is meant to show how American economic

  • Fascism

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    Republic. From the 1870’s the term fascio was used in Italy for the new radical social and political organizations, normally from the left. After World War I Fascio di Combattimento formed and two years later transformed into the radical new Fascist Party and a new “ism” was born. There are many clashing definitions of fascism, but there are a number of common characteristics that can be incorporated into a general formalization of fascism. Some of these common characteristics would be its anti-aspects

  • Discovering the Third Reich Through Mephisto

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    the course of their reign, discriminated against so many professions, creeds, philosophies, and classes that for a person not to belong to at least one must have been a remarkable feat of chance. I could not begin to understand how the National Socialist Party had, with such a miserable and offensive political platform, managed to gain power in Germany, nor how, with such cruel and oppressive practices, they managed to keep it. Klaus Mann's Mephisto answered a number of these questions for me. Though

  • Schneck vs United States

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    sufficient to prove that the defendant Schenck was concerned in sending the documents. According to the testimony Schenck said he was general secretary of the Socialist party and had charge of the Socialist headquarters from which the documents were sent. He identified a book found there as the minutes of the Executive Committee of the party The book showed a resolution of August 13, 1917, that 15,000 leaflets should be printed on the other side of one of them in use, to be mailed to men who had passed

  • Discrimination of Immigrants in 1920's America

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    advance his own political goals it was Attorney General Palmer. The rise of Communism in Russia created a fear of its spread across Europe, and to America. Palmer tied this fear to that of immigration. He denounced labor unions, the Socialist party, and the Communist party in America, as being infultrated with radicals who sought to overturn America's political, economic, and social institutions. Palmer exasperated this fear in Americans and then presented himself as the country's savior, combatting

  • Nazi's View of Marriage

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    Nazi's View of Marriage The National Socialist Party quickly turned heads in July 14th, 1933 through the Law Concerning the Formation of New Parties, by declaring itself the only political party that was "allowed to exist in the Third Reich" (156.HCCR). Soon thereafter, the political perception the Nazis were likely to enforce would transform the whole view of German culture, economy, race, and especially, the way German individuals emotionally and physically interacted with one another. One

  • Flying Home

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    in Oklahoma, Ellison was raised in an environment that promoted self-fulfillment. His father, who named his son after Ralph Waldo Emerson and hoped to raise him as a poet, died when Ellison was three. Ellison’s mother enlisted blacks into the Socialist Party and was also a domestic worker. In the early 1930s, Ellison won a scholarship to Alabama’s Tuskegee Institute, where he studied music until 1936(Busby 10). Later, to earn money for his education (after a mix-up regarding his scholarship), he traveled

  • Neo Nazi Skinheads

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    Skinheads are a subdivision group of Neo-Nazis. During the late 1960s, skinhead groups organized in Britain. By the 1970s, the British National Front (NF)-the Nation Socialist Party- began to infiltrate skinhead groups. They espoused nationalism, and often staged protests against nonwhite immigration. The trend spread to other countries including the United States, and Canada. Today, skinhead groups in North America are known by such names as Hammerskins, Fourth Reich Skins, League

  • NAACP And The Crisis

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    create positive change. Though organizations provide structure and a support system they often face their own set of issues, while trying to solve the big problem. During the first week in 1909 William Walling, a wealthy member of the American Socialist Party, a Jewish man named Dr. Henry Moskowitz and Mary Ovington a descendent of abolitionist obsessed with dealing with race issues met at Walling's New York apartment for a meeting. At this meeting Walling discussed progressive reform and drafted a

  • Anne Frank

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    Edith Frank. Anne's sister, Margo was three years older. Anne loved Margo very much. It was very happy and really good family. The sisters studied in good school and they had Catholic, Protestant and Jewish friend. But in March 1933, the National Socialist party was elected and after that we can see real descrimination! All jews had a spesial sign that they are jewish people. And other people couldn't talk with them at all. In the movie we saw when three girls went after school and talked to each other

  • Freedom Socialist Party

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    The Freedom Socialist Party In 1965, Clara Fraser and her second husband, Richard Fraser, helped lead the Seattle branch of the Socialist Workers Party in an exodus from the national organization. They founded the Freedom Socialist Party, which was marked by its commitment to women's liberation, African American freedom, revolutionary socialism, societal and organizational democracy, and principled politics. A turning point in the young party's development was the Frasers' divorce which split

  • eugene v. Debs

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    Eugene V. Debs Citizen and Socialist Nick Salvatore’s book Eugene V. Debs Citizen and Socialist provides a very detailed account of the life and times and Eugene Debs. Debs was born in Terre Haute Indiana and Salvatore emphasizes the important role that this played in Debs upbringing. Terre Haute was ripe with religious fundamentalism from its founding. Religion permeated everyday life throughout Terre Haute. Salvatore writes that, “In newspaper editorials, political speeches, civic dedications

  • The American Dream in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, Jr.

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    dangerous book I have ever written” was The Brass Check ( Sinclair who in the 1920’s went on to run for office in California used his work for activism and to educate the public. First under the Socialist Party of America and eight years later in the Democratic Party. He wrote contradictory words in journals muddling his political views. Irony in change? The Jungle has several versions, many without the full ending. This is similar to Charles Dikens’ work Great Expectations. Two